Finds the first state matching the name, abbreviation, or valid ZIP Code.
GsFunStat GsFindFirstState (GsId gs, gs_const_str statePattern,pstr
stateFound, int bufSize);
GsId gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
gs_const_strstatePattern Search string for the state. Input.
Can be any of the following items:
n A five-digit ZIP Code.
n The first three digits of a ZIP Code known as the Sectional Center Facility (SCF).
n Various state abbreviations and spellings. For example, for New Hampshire, it accepts: N HAMP, N HAMPSHIRE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEWHAMPSHIRE, NH, and NHAMPSHIRE.
pstrstateFound Proper state abbreviation for the located state. Output.
intbufSize Maximum length of data returned in stateFound, including NULL. Input.
Return Values
GsInitWithProps() and GsClear()
This function returns the proper abbreviation for the requested state. You can request states by ZIP Code, full state name, or an alternate abbreviation
Before each find function, call GsClear() to reset the internal buffers. If you do not reset the buffers, you may receive incorrect results with information from a previous find.
/* This example prints the official state abbreviation for ZIP Code 80301. */
char StateAbbr[3];
GsFunStat iStat;
iStat = GsFindFirstState(gs, "80301", StateAbbr, sizeof(StateAbbr));
if (iStat == GS_SUCCESS)
printf("%s\n", StateAbbr);