Retrieves the detail record for a LACSLink false-positive report.
GsFunStat GsLACSGetFalsePosDetail(GsId gs, GsFalsePosDetailData
*pdata, int structSize);
gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
*pdata This structure retrieves the LACSLink detail record for false-positive address match using the data passed in GsFalsePosDetailData. The data members are details provided by GeoStan for the false-positive report. This structure contains the following:
char AddressSecondaryAbbreviation Unit type (APT, SUITE, LOT).Output.
char AddressSecondaryNumber Unit number.Output.
char AddressPrimaryNumber House number.Output.
char Filler Reserved for future implementation. Output.
char MatchedPlus4 ZIP Code extension.Output.
char MatchedZIPCODE ZIP Code.Output.
char StreetName Name of the street.Output.
char StreetpreDirectional Street name predirectional (N, S, E, W).Output.
char StreetPostDirectional Street name postdirectional (N, S, E, W).Output.
char StreetSuffixAbbreviation Street type (AVE, ST, RD).Output.
structSize Size of the GsFalsePosDetailData data structure. Input.
Return Values
GS_ERROR Call GsErrorGetEx() for more information.
GS_WARNING Call GsErrorGetEx() for more information.
GsInitWithProps() with appropriate LACSLink initialization properties set. GS_LACSLINK_IND == "F"