GsFunStat GsLACSGetCompleteStats(GsId gs, GsLACSCompleteStats
*pdata, int structSize);
gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
*pdata This structure retrieves LACSLink statistics since the application initialized LACSLink. This structure contains the following:
intlu nTotalProcessed Total number of records processed through LACSLink. Output.
intlu nTotalAMatches Total number of records matched through LACSLink. Output.
intlu nTotal09Matches Total number of records converted through LACSLink, but no new address provided. Output.
intlu nTotal00Matches Total number or records not matched through LACSLink. Output.
intlu nTotal14Matches Total number of records converted through LACSLink. Output.
intlu nTotal92Matches Total number of records matched through LACSLink where GeoStan dropped the unit number. Output.
structSize Size of the GsLACSCompleteStats data structure. Input.
Return Values
GS_ERROR Call GsErrorGetEx() for information.
GS_WARNING Call GsErrorGetEx() for information.
GsInitWithProps() with appropriate LACSLink initialization properties set.