Retrieves data for objects found via GsFindFirst() and GsFindNext().
GsFunStat GsHandleGet(GsId gs, GsEnum fSwitch,GsRangeHandle
*pRange, pstr pBuffer,intsu bufLen);
gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
fSwitch Enum for the argument you want to retrieve. Input.
*pRange Pointer to the current range handle. Input.
pBuffer Location to store the returned data. Output.
bufLen Maximum size of the data that GeoStan returns. If bufLen is shorter than the data returned by GeoStan, GeoStan truncates the data and does not generate an error. Input.
Return Values
GsFindFirst() or GsFindNext()
This function retrieves data from the geocode buffer for a given range handle. If you have a street or segment handle, you must convert the handle to a range handle before you can use this function.
See Extracting Data from GSD Files for more information on the Find First and Find Next searches. For information on extracting Alias information, refer to the description in GsMultipleGet().