Finds the next street, segment, or range object that meets the search criteria.
GsFunStat GsFindNextRange(GsId gs, GsRangeHandle *pRange);
GsFunStat GsFindNextSegment(GsId gs, GsSegmentHandle *pSegment);
GsFunStat GsFindNextStreet(GsId gs, GsStreetHandle *pStreet);
gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
*pRange Pointer to a segment/range handle. Returns a valid handle to the next range object, if there is one. Input, Output.
*pSegment Pointer to a street/segment handle. Returns a valid handle to the next segment object, if there is one. Input, Output.
*pStreet Pointer to a street handle. Returns a valid handle to the next street object, if there is one. Input, Output.
Return Values
GsFindFirst_ and GsClear()
This function continues to find objects matching the criteria specified in GsFindFirst__.
If GeoStan finds a matching segment, you can retrieve the data using GsHandleGet().
Before each find function, call GsClear() to reset the internal buffers. If you do not reset the buffers, you may receive incorrect results with information from a previous find.
Refer to Extracting Data from GSD Files for details on using all of the GsFindFirst___ and GsFindNext___ functions.
GsFindNextStreet() does not respect parity.
See the code example in Extracting Data from GSD Files.