Finds the next city, county, and or state centroid match from the set of possible matches found.
GsFunStat GsFindGeographicNext(GsId gs, GsGeoStruct *gstruct);
GsIdgs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
GsGeoStruct*gstruct Pointer to the GsGeoStruct containing the input and output fields for this API. Input, Output.
outCity Output city. Output.
outCountry Output county. Output.
outState Output state. Output.
outLat Returned latitude of the geographic centroid. Output.
outLong Returned longitude of the geographic centroid. Output.
outRank Returned geographic rank of the city for city centroid. Output.
outResultCode Result code equivalent (G3 - city centroid, G2 - country centroid, G1 - state centroid). Output.
outLocCode Location code equivalent (GM - city, GC - county, GS - state). Output.
outClose True indicates a close match. Output.
Return Values
It is recommended that the user first use the Last-line lookup functions to standardize the city, county and state names. This function only performs minimal fuzzy matching on the input city and county names. The location code returned by this function is to provide users with a location code equivalent and is not retrievable using GsDataGet. It is merely provided to offer a consistent label for the type of address match that is returned and will only consist of one of the three Geographic location codes (GM – City, GC – County and GS – State).
For example, see GsFindGeographicFirst.