GsFindFirst___ - geostan_1 - 2024.01

GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS

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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
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GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS
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Finds the first street, segment, or range object that meets the search criteria.


GsFunStat GsFindFirstRange(GsId gs, GsRangeHandle *pRange);
GsFunStat GsFindFirstSegment(GsId gs, GsSegmentHandle *pSegment);
GsFunStat GsFindFirstStreet(GsId gs, GsStreetHandle *pStreet, GsEnum option, gs_const_str pLocale,
gs_const_str pName, gs_const_str pNumber);


GsIdgs   ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.

GsRangeHandle *pRange   Pointer to a segment/range handle. Returns a valid handle if GeoStan finds a range. Input, Output.

GsSegmentHandle *pSegment   Pointer to a street/segment handle. Returns a valid handle If GeoStan finds a segment. Input, Output.

GsStreetHandle *pStreet   Pointer to a street handle. Returns a valid handle if GeoStan finds a street. Output.

GsEnumoption   Determines the type of search performed by GeoStan. The following table lists the type of searches available. Input.


GeoStan searches the ZIP Code specified by pLocale. When this option is set with GsFindFirstStreet(), GeoStan performs a finance search.


GeoStan searches the city and state specified by pLocale.


GeoStan searches the primary street files, Use.gsd and Usw.gsd, and the supplemental street files, Ustw.gsd and Uste.gsd, for streets without house numbers.

If you specify this option, pNumber must be blank. If you specify pNumber, GeoStan searches only the primary street files, Usw.gsd and Use.gsd, which contain addressed segments. Assign the directory for this file to the GS_INIT_DATAPATH initialization property of the property list that you pass when calling GsInitWithProps().

MVS customers receive one primary street file, Us.gsd, and one supplemental street file, Ust.gsd.


GeoStan searches by soundex. pName is a pointer to a numeric soundex key returned by GsSoundex. If you do not specify this option, GeoStan assumes that pName is a street name.

You must specify either GS_ZIP_SEARCH or GS_CITY_SEARCH.

gs_const_strpLocale    Sets the search area. If option is set to GS_ZIP_SEARCH, then pLocale is a valid ZIP Code. If option is set to GS_CITY_SEARCH, then pLocale is a valid city and state. GeoStan performs a city search by searching all finance areas that cover that city. This may result in found objects outside the actual city.Input.

gs_const_strpName   Street name, or partial street name, for which to search. If option is set to GS_SDX_SEARCH, then pName is a pointer to a numeric soundex key. Input.

This limits the search to street names that begin with the name string. If pName is "APPLE," then GeoStan returns only streets beginning with Apple, such as Apple or Appleton. If pName is not specified, GeoStan finds all streets specified by pLocale.

gs_const_strpNumber   House number that must be within a range. If option is set to GS_EXTRA_SEARCH, then pNumber must be blank. Input.

This returns only those ranges that contain that house number. This can be an alpha-numeric house number, such as 12N123W.

Return Values

GS_ERROR    Error occurred. You can retrieve the error using GsErrorGet.

GS_LASTLINE_NOT_FOUND    GeoStan could not find pLocale.

GS_NOT_FOUND    GeoStan did not find a match.

GS_SUCCESS    GeoStan found a match. You can retrieve the data using GsHandleGet().


GsInitWithProps() and GsClear()


You must call GsFindFirstStreet() before GsFindFirstSegment() and GsFindFirstSegment() before GsFindFirstRange(). GsFindFirstStreet() also sets the area and criteria for subsequent segment and range searches.

If you are using GsFindFirstStreet() to find a street that has a number as a component of the street name, such as "US HWY 41" or "I-95," enter just the number, as the text is not part of the index for such streets.

GsFindFirst___ and GsFindNext___ functions work together to allow you to access to the entire address directory database.

See Extracting Data from GSD Files for more information on the Find First functions and segment and range searches.

Note: GsFindFirstStreet() does not respect parity.


/* This example searches ZIP Code 80301 for streets beginning with "A" and no * specific house number. */
char tempstr[60];
GsStreetHandle hStreet;
GsSegmentHandle hSegment;
GsRangeHandle hRange;
/* Use GsFindFirstStreet to get the first street handle that matches the criteria. */
int iStat = GsFindFirstStreet(gs, &hStreet, GS_ZIP_SEARCH, "80301", "A", "");
while(iStat == GS_SUCCESS)
/* We have a valid street handle, which we convert to a range handle so that we can use GsHandleGet to 
retrieve information to show the user. Even though we converted to a range handle, it really is still just 
a street handle, so we can only access those elements that are valid at the street level. See "Deprecated 
Functions" for a complete list of valid elements for each handle type.*/
hSegment.hStreet = hStreet;
hRange.hSegment = hSegment;
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_PREDIR, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("Street: %s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_NAME, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet( gs, GS_TYPE, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr) );
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_POSTDIR, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf( "%s\n", tempstr);
/* find the first valid segment for the current street*/
iStat = GsFindFirstSegment(gs, &hSegment);
while(iStat == GS_SUCCESS)
/* We have a valid segment, convert to a range handle to get information to display.*/
hRange.hSegment = hSegment;
printf(" Segment: " );
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_BLOCK_LEFT, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_BLOCK_RIGHT, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_SEGMENT_PARITY, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_SEGMENT_DIRECTION, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s \n", tempstr);
/* Get the first valid range for the current segment. */
iStat = GsFindFirstRange(gs, &hRange);
while(iStat == GS_SUCCESS)
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_LORANGE, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf(" Range: %s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_HIRANGE, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_BLOCK_LEFT, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_PREDIR, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_NAME, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_TYPE, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_POSTDIR, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_ZIP, &hRange, tempstr, sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_LOUNIT, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s ", tempstr);
GsHandleGet(gs, GS_HIUNIT, &hRange, tempstr,sizeof(tempstr));
printf("%s\n", tempstr);
/* Get the next valid range for this segment. */
iStat = GsFindNextRange(gs, &hRange);
if (iStat == GS_ERROR) break;
/* get the next valid segment for this street*/
iStat = GsFindNextSegment(gs, &hSegment);
}if (iStat == GS_ERROR) break;
/* Get the next street that meets the initial criteria. */
iStat = GsFindNextStreet(gs, &hStreet);