GsDpvGetCompleteStats - geostan_1 - 2024.01

GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS

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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > GeoStan
Product name
GeoStan Geocoding Suite Reference for Windows, Linux, and z/OS
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Obtains the complete DPV statistics since the application initialized DPV.
Note: If singleline address input is used, the output from GsDpvGetCompleteStats will be incorrect.


GsFunStat GsDpvGetCompleteStats(GsId gs,GsDPVCompleteStats* pdata,int structSize);


GsIdgs   ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.

GsDPVCompleteStats*pdata   Structure contains the following DPV statistics since the application initialized DPV.

intlu nCMRAInError

Number of records with an unconfirmed CMRA. Output.

intlu nCMRAValid

Number of records with a confirmed CMRA. Output.

intlu nDPVNoStatFound

Not Applicable for this release.

intlu nDPVInError

Number of records not confirmed by DPV. Output.

intlu nDPVSeedHits   

Number of distinct DPV false-positive matches. Output.

intlu nDPVTypeDValid   

Number of records with a confirmed primary house number, but the secondary unit number is missing. Output.

intlu nDPVTypeSValid   

Number of records with a confirmed primary house number, but the secondary unit number is not confirmed. Output.

intlu nDPVTypeYValid   

Number of records fully confirmed by DPV. Output.

intlu nDPVZipsOnFile   

Number of distinct ZIP Codes in file. Output.

intlu nFirmCMRAPresented

Number of USPS Firm records with PMB presented. Output.

intlu nFirmCMRAValid   

Number of USPS Firm records CMRA confirmed with or without PMB. Output.

intlu nFirmPrimeFail   

Number of USPS Firm records without a confirmed primary house number. Output.

intlu nFirmSecondaryFail

Number of USPS Firm records without a confirmed secondary unit number. Output.

intlu nFirmValid

Number of confirmed USPS Firm records. Output.

intlu nFootnoteAA   

Number of records with DPV footnote value AA. Output.

intlu nFootnoteA1   

Number of records with DPV footnote value A1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteBB   

Number of records with DPV footnote value BB. Output.

intlu nFootnoteCC   

Number of records with DPV footnote value CC. Output.

intlu nFootnoteF1   

Number of records with DPV footnote value F1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteG1   

Number of records with DPV footnote value G1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteM1

Number of records with DPV footnote value M1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteM3

Number of records with DPV footnote value M3. Output.

intlu nFootnoteN1

Number of records with DPV footnote value N1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteP1   

Number of records with DPV footnote value P1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteP3   

Number of records with DPV footnote value P3. Output.

intlu nFootnoteRR   

Number of records with DPV footnote value RR. Output.

intlu nFootnoteR1   

Number of records with DPV footnote value R1. Output.

intlu nFootnoteU1

Number of records with DPV footnote value U1. Output.

intlu nGenDelValid   

Number of confirmed USPS General Delivery records. Output.

intlu nHRCMRAPresented   

Number of USPS Highrise records with PMB presented. Output.

intlu nHRCMRAValid

Number of USPS Highrise records with confirmed CMRA records with or without PMB. Output.

intlu nHRPrimeFail   

Number of USPS Highrise records without a confirmed primary house number. Output.

intlu nHRSecondaryFail

Number of USPS Highrise records without a confirmed secondary unit number. Output.

intlu nHRValid

Number of confirmed USPS Highrise records. Output.

intlu nPOBoxFail

Number of USPS PO Box records without a confirmed primary box number. Output.

intlu nPOBoxValid

Number of confirmed USPS PO Box records. Output.

intlu nRRHCCMRAPresented   

Number of USPS Rural Route records with PMB presented. Output.

intlu nRRHCCMRAValid   

Number of USPS Rural Route records CMRA confirmed with or without PMB. Output.

intlu nRRHCPrimeFail

Number of USPS Rural Route records without a confirmed primary house number. Output.

intlu nRRHCValid

Number of confirmed USPS Rural Route records. Output

intlu nStCMRAPresented   

Number of USPS Street records with PMB presented. Output.

intlu nStCMRAValid   

Number of USPS Street records with CMRA confirmed with or without PMB. Output.

intlu nStreetPrimeFail

Number of USPS Street records without a confirmed primary house number. Output.

intlu nStreetSecondaryFail   

Number of USPS Street records without a confirmed secondary unit number. Output.

intlu nStreetValid

Number of confirmed DPV records that matched to a USPS street record (GS_REC_TYPE=S). Output.

intlu nTotalDPVProcessed

Number of records processed through DPV. Output.

intlu nTotalDPVwithZip4

Number of ZIP + 4 records processed through DPV. Output.

intstructSize   Size of the GsDpvCompleteStats data structure. Input.

Return Values


GS_ERROR    Call GsErrorGetEx() for more information.

GS_WARNING   Call GsErrorGetEx() for more information.

