Allows you to select a match from a set of match candidates.
GsFunStat GsSetSelection(GsId gs, ints
GsIdgs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
intsindex Index number (0-based) of the possible match. Input.
Return Values
GS_ERROR Selection is out of range.
After GsFindWithProps() returns GS_ADDRESS_NOT_RESOLVED, use GsNumMulitple() and GsMultipleGet() to determine which possible match is the correct match. Then use GsSetSelection() to load that possible match into the data retrieval buffers and retrieve it using GsDataGet().
/* This example prints information about possible matches. It assumes that GsFind
char buffer[60];
int bInter;
printf( "Possibles:\n" );
/* Test for match candidate and set bInter to non-zero if true. */
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_INTERSECTION, 0, buffer,sizeof(buffer) );
bInter = *buffer == 'T';
/* Get the number of multiples and print them as we loop through each one. */
int n = GsNumMultiple( gs );
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
printf( "%d: ", i );
/* If we don't have an intersection, print the ranges. */
if ( !bInter )
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_LORANGE, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_HIRANGE, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
/* Print the street name for both intersections and nonintersections. */
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_PREDIR, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_NAME, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_TYPE, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_POSTDIR, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
/* If an intersection match, print the second street name. */
if ( bInter )
printf( " AT " );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_PREDIR2, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_NAME2, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_TYPE2, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf("%s", buffer );
GsMultipleGet( gs, GS_POSTDIR2, i, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
printf( "%s ", buffer );
/* Print each possible on a new line. */
printf( "(%s)\n", buffer );
int index = 0;
GsFunStat funStat;
printf(" Please enter selection number.");
scanf("%i", &index);
funStat = GsSetSelection(gs, index);
if (funStat == GS_SUCCESS)
GsDataGet( gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_FIRM_NAME, firm, sizeof(firm) );
GsDataGet( gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_ADDRLINE, address, sizeof(address) );
GsDataGet( gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_LASTLINE, lastline, sizeof(lastline) );
GsDataGet( gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_LON, longitude, sizeof(longitude) );
GsDataGet( gs, GS_OUTPUT, GS_LAT, latitude, sizeof(latitude) );
printf( "%s\n"
"longitude: %lf\n"
"latitude: %lf\n", firm, address, lastline, /* ascii data */
(double)(atof(longitude)/1000000.0), /* normalize longitude */
(double)(atof(latitude)/1000000.0) ); /* normalize latitude */
printf("Address information not found.");