Retrieves coordinates for the street segment found via GsFind.
ints GsGetCoordsEx(GsId gs, pintl pCoords, intsu
gs ID returned by GsInitWithProps() for the current instance of GeoStan. Input.
pCoords Array of coordinates, in x,y (longitude, latitude) order. Output.
maxPoints Maximum number of points to return; used to prevent writing past the end of the pCoords buffer. Input.
Return Values
Number of points assigned to buffer.
This function returns an array of coordinates for the current feature found via GsFind().
GeoStan can return a maximum of 64 coordinate pairs, each pair consisting of two long integers.
Pass in a value of 2 for the maxPoints parameter in order to return the end points of the segment matched.
GeoStan returns the coordinates to the full precision stored in the GSD file and scales coordinate pairs to integers. For example, GeoStan returns a point at (-98.3, 29.7) as (983000, 297000). This is a different scale from that expected by Spatial+ and similar GIS applications, which typically express coordinates in millionths of degrees. You may need to scale coordinates obtained with this function before using them as input to other software libraries or applications.