Initialization Functions
Initializes the GDL Library. Must be called before any other Library function.
Releases resources allocated from gdlInitialize.
File Operation Functions
Writes the shape out to the file system in a well known spatial data format, including Precisely GSB, ESRI's BNA and MapInfo's MIF/MID formats.
Opens a file for spatial analysis.
Closes the file previously opened by gdlOpenSpatialFile.
Returns a string containing the GDL library version number.
GDL-Specific Functions
Generates an error surface from a match found inside the GeoStan™ handle.
Returns the number of attributes present in the associated GSA file.
Retrieves the data in the GSA attribute file based on the name of the attribute.
Retrieves the data in the GSA attribute file based on the column number.
Retrieves the field name information in the GSA attribute file by column number.
Generates a confidence surface type based on information from a GeoStan match.
Determines the street segment length for address level geocodes. Use with address-level matches.
Sets properties of the gdlHandle.
Comparison Operation Functions
Finds the nearest point or line to a given point.
Finds the next nearest feature after a successful call to gdlFindNearest.
Determines if a binary polygon overlap has occurred and, if so, returns the polygon that is in overlap with the input polygon.
Determines if another binary polygon overlap has occurred and, if so, returns the polygon that is in overlap with the input polygon.
Determines if a percentage polygon overlap has occurred and, if so, returns the polygon and the percentage overlap with the input polygon.
Determines if another percentage polygon overlap has occurred and, if so, returns the polygon and the percentage overlap with the input polygon.
Finds the first polygon that contains the input point and determines within which polygon a geocoded address is located.
Finds the next polygon that contains the input point.
Determines the minimum distance that exists between an error surface or a geocoded point and another point or line.
Determines the distance between the farthest point of the error surface and the nearest point of the feature (point, line or polygon).
Determines the Manhattan distance between two points.
Determines the straight line distance between two points.
Shape Operation Functions
Returns properties from the shape object in the form of a long integer.
Returns properties from the shape object in the form of a string.
Creates a shape of a given type with specified coordinates.
Returns the coordinates with which a shape of a given type is created.
Deallocates any memory associated with a shape.