findAddressCandidates uses required and optional parameters in a GET request to geocode a single address.
Parameter | Details |
f | Required: The response format in json, html or kmz. For the Gecoding Connector, the supported format is json. |
addressField | Required: The address of the location to be geocoded. |
countryCode | Required: Defines the source country for the address. |
singleLine | Optional: An address as a single string to be geocoded. |
neighborhood | Optional: Neighborhood the address is in. |
city | Optional: City the address is in. |
subregion | Optional: Subregion the address is in. |
region | Optional: Region the address is in. |
postal | Optional: Postcode for the address. |
postalExt | Optional: Additional postcode for the address. |
maxLocations | Optional: The maximum number of locations to be returned. |
outFields | Optional: The list of fields to be returned. |
outSR | Optional: The well-known ID (WKID) of the spatial reference or a spatial reference JSON object for the returned address candidates. |
addressField2 | Not supported. |
addressField3 | Not supported. |
location | Not supported. |
category | Not supported. |
matchOutofRange | Not supported. |
magicKey | Not supported. |
locationType | Not supported. |
searchExtent | Not supported. |
forStorage | Not supported. |