To configure data, there are two options:
- extract and configure data programmatically
- configure previously extracted data
Note: If you have more than one data path, use this syntax:
withDataPath(Paths.get("{directory}/data"), Paths.get("{directory}/someOtherData"), ...) // this will only be used if resources location already does not contain any data info
Extract and configure data programmatically
public GeocodeWrapperWithDynamicConfiguration() throws GeocodingException {
GeocodingAPI geocoder = new GeocoderBuilder()
.withConfiguration(new ConfigurationBuilder()
//path to ggs runtime resources, this will be located under ggs distribution
//path to ggs data directory, this can be extracted data or directory containg spd files
.withExtractorBuilder(new ExtractorConfiguration.Builder()
//number of extractors that will be used for extracting data
//path to where data can be extracted, it will skip any data that has been previously extracted
// default preferences, if none defined it will
// use the defaults defined in {directory}/ggs-dist-{version}/resources/config/addressing.yamllocation
.withPreferences(new GeocoderPreferences())
Configure previously extracted data
public GeocodeWrapperWithConfiguration() throws GeocodingException {
GeocodingAPI geocoder = new GeocoderBuilder()
// ggs.home - "{directory}/ggs-dist-{version}"
// ggs.resources.location - directory containsing GGS runtime resource "{directory}/ggs-dist-{version}/resources"
// - location where extracted data can be found i.e. "{directory}/data" from above extract command
.withConfiguration(new ConfigurationBuilder()
.withDataPath(Paths.get("{directory}/data")) // this will only be used if resources location already does not conatin any data info
// default preferences, if none defined it will
// use the defaults defined in {ggs.home}/resources/config/addressing.yamllocation
.withPreferences(new GeocoderPreferences())