Custom Output Fields (All Fields) - geo_addressing_sdk - 5.0

Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide

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Geo Addressing
Geo Addressing SDK
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Geo Addressing SDK
Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide
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FieldSpectrum Stage Description
ACR Address Correct Result (ACR) code specifies exactly what data has been changed in each record. Example: "L5-P4S4A0T4R0Z4C4-100"

The three segments of the code correspond to the address status, component status, and the validation match score. For a complete explanation of the codes within each segment, please refer to the Trillium Geolocation Reference Guide.

ADDRLINEParsedAddressLine The address line for single line input addresses.
ADDRLINE_SHORTShortAddressline Shortest possible address line that can be constructed from available short street name and other address line components.
ALIASED_SUBURBAliasedSuburb New Zealand Aliased suburb. An alternative to the officially-recognized suburb name.
ALT_FLAGAltFlag Alternate/base record indicator:

A Alternate

B Base

APN_IDAPN ID The Assessor's Parcel Number Identifier. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
AUX_USERDATAAUXUserData User data from an auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file.
BANCHIBanchi The block number.
BLOCKBlockInformation Block information.
BLOCK_LEFTLeftBlockID Census block ID from the left side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
BLOCK_LEFT2BlockLeft2 For intersection matches, the Census block ID from the left side of the street for the second segment in an intersection.
BLOCK_RIGHTRightBlockID Census block ID from the right side of the street. Not applicable to streetintersection matches.
BLOCK_RIGHT2BlockRight2 For intersection matches, the Census block ID from the right side of the street for the second segment in the intersection.
BLOCK_SFX_LEFTLeftSFXBlock The current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
BLOCK_SFX_LEFT2BlockSFXLeft2 For intersection matches, the current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography for the second segment in the intersection.
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHTRightSFXBlock The current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
BLOCK_SFX_RIGHT2BlockSFXRight2 For intersection matches, the current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography for the second segment in the intersection.
CARTCART Carrier route ID. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
CBSA_DIVISION_NAMECBSADivisionName Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division name.
CBSA_DIVISION_NAME2CBSADivisionName2 For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division name for the second segment in the intersection.
CBSA_DIVISION_NUMBERCBSADivisionNumber Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division number.
CBSA_DIVISION_NUMBER2CBSADivisionNumber2 For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) division number for the second segment in the intersection.
CBSA_NAMECBSAName The name of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address is located.
CBSA_NAME2CBSAName2 For intersection matches, the name of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) for the second segment in the intersection.
CBSA_NUMBERCBSANumber Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number.
CBSA_NUMBER2CBSANumber2 For intersection matches, the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number for the second segment in the intersection.
CENSUS_CDCensus CD The Census Division (CD) in which the address is located.
CENSUS_CMACensus CMA The Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) in which the address is located.
CENSUS_CSDCensus CSD The Census Subdivision (CSD) in which the address is located.
CENSUS_CTCensus CT The Census Tract (CT) in which the address is located.
CENSUS_DACensus DA The Dissemination Area (DA) in which the address is located.
CENTERLINE_BEARINGCenterlineBearing For centerline candidates, provides the compass direction, in decimal degrees, from the point data match to the centerline match. Measured clockwise from 0 degrees north.
CENTERLINE_BLOCK_LEFTCenterlineLeftBlock For centerline candidates, the Census block ID from the left side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
CENTERLINE_BLOCK_RIGHTCenterlineRightBlock For centerline candidates, the Census block ID from the right side of the street. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
CENTERLINE_BLOCK_SFX_LEFTCenterlineLeftSFXBlock For centerline candidates, the current left block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
CENTERLINE_BLOCK_SFX_RIGHTCenterlineRightSFXBlock For centerline candidates, the current right block suffix for Census 2010 geography. This field will be blank if the matched record is from point-level data.
CENTERLINE_DATATYPECenterLineDatatype For centerline candidates, the data type used to make the centerline match.

Three characters indicating that a centerline match was located by an index alias.

The first character:

Normal street match
Alias match (including buildings, aliases, firms, etc.)

The next 2 characters:

Basic index, normal address match
USPS street name alias index
USPS building index
Statewide intersection alias (when using the Usw.gsi, Use.gsi,or Us.gsi file)
Spatial data street name alias (when using the Us_pw.gsi, Usw.gsi, Us_pe.gsi, Use.gsi, Us_ps.gsi, Usp.gsi, Us_psw.gsi, or Us_pse.gsi file is required.)
Alternate index (when using ZIP9.gsu, ZIP9E.gsu, and ZIP9W.gsu)
Auxiliary file match
Centrus Alias index (when using usca.gsi)
POI index (when using poi.gsi)
USPS Preferred Alias
ZIPMove match (when using us.gsz)

The us.gsz data file contains ZIP+4 codes that have been realigned and a change in city name and/or finance number has occurred. Specifically, ZIPMove allows a change in finance area because CASS searching does not allow a change of finance area unless the input city occurs in more than one finance area, or ZIPMove data contains the old address.

Expanded Centroids match (when using us_cent.gsc or bldgcent.gsc)
CENTERLINE_LATCenterLineLatitide For centerline candidates, the latitude as integer value in millionths of degrees.
CENTERLINE_LONCenterLineLongitude For centerline candidates, the longitude as integer value in millionths of degrees.
CENTERLINE_NAMECenterlineName For centerline candidates, the primary street name.
CENTERLINE_NEAREST_DISTCenterlineNearestDistance For centerline candidates, gives the distance, in feet, from the point-leve match to the centerline match.
CENTERLINE_POSTDIRCenterlinePostDirectional For centerline candidates, the street postfix directional. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
CENTERLINE_PREDIRCenterlinePreDirectional For centerline candidates, the street prefix directional. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
CENTERLINE_QCITYCenterlineQCity For centerline candidates, the state, city, or finance numbers.
CENTERLINE_ROAD_CLASSCenterlineRoadClass For centerline candidates, the road class code:
Minor road, main data file
Major road, main data file
Minor road, supplemental file
Major road, supplemental data file
CENTERLINE_SEG_HIRANGECenterlineSegmentHiRange For centerline candidates, provides the high house number in the segment.
CENTERLINE_SEG_LORANGECenterlineSegmentLoRange For centerline candidates, provides the low house number in the segment.
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_DIRECTIONCenterlineSegmentDirection For centerline candidates, gives the direction of the segment:
Numbers are forward.
Numbers are reversed.
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_IDCenterlineSegmentID For centerline candidates, the unique segment ID from data vendors.
CENTERLINE_SEGMENT_PARITYCenterlineSegmentParity For centerline candidates, provides the segment parity. The parity indicates which side of the street the odd numbers in the segment are located:
Left side of the street
Right side of the street
Both sides of the street
CENTERLINE_TYPECenterlineType For centerline candidates, provides the street type.
CHECK_DIGITCheckDigit A one-digit code at the end of a mailing label barcode.
CHOMOKUChomoku The city block number.
CHOOAZAChooaza The number for a group of city blocks.
CITYParsedCity The abbreviated city name from the last line of the input or output address the value from
CITY_SHORTShortCityName The output city name that appears in LASTLINE_SHORT. This value is determined by logic similar to CITY. Whenever possible, this city name is 13 characters or less.

This output city name is determined by CASS rules. This can be either City State Name, City State Name Abbreviation, or Preferred Last Line City State Name.

CITYRANKxx This option returns the city ranking from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest). Zero (0) means that a rank was not available.
CONFIDENCEConfidence The Confidence value for USA candidates is available as a custom output field on the candidate. The key is CONFIDENCE.
COUNTYCounty The county FIPS code.
COUNTY_NAMEParsedCountyName The county name.
COUNTY_NAME2CountyName2 For intersection matches, the County name for the second segment in the intersection.
COUNTY2County2 For intersection matches, the county FIPS code for the second segment in the intersection.


Only seen in REST responses when Return All Information is set to true and the type is known. Note: CPC fields are not present when SYNTHETIC_LDU = true or t.

Residential building
Commercial building


Canadian postal code (CPC) record type.
Note: returned only when the candidate contains a full postcode of FSA (Forward Sortation Area) + LDU (Local Delivery Unit).
no address match was found
High-rise building
LVR (Large Volume Receiver) street
Government Street Address
LVR (Large Volume Receiver) Served by Lock Box
Government Served by Lock Box
LVR (Large Volume Receiver) Served by General Delivery
Street served by route
PO Box
CSA_NAMECSAName Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name.
CSA_NAME2CSAName2 For intersections matches, the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name for the second segment in the intersection.
CSA_NUMBERCSANumber Combined Statistical Area (CSA) number.
CSA_NUMBER2CSANumber2 For intersection matches, the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) number for the second segment in the intersection.
CTYST_KEYCountyStateKey USPS city state key (an alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies a locale in the USPS city state product).
COORDINATESYSTEM The coordinate system used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates. A coordinate system specifies a map projection, coordinate units, etc. An example is EPSG:4326. EPSG stands for European Petroleum Survey Group.
DATASTOREDDATASET The country used for the data store.
DATATYPEDataType The type of data used to make the match.
TomTom Streets geocoding dataset
HERE Streets geocoding dataset
TomTom Points geocoding dataset
Centrus Points geocoding dataset
Auxiliary file
User Dictionary
HERE Points geocoding dataset
Master Location Data
DATATYPE_NAMEDataTypeName The source data vendor for the candidate match.
DATATYPE2DataType2 For intersection matches, the type of data used to make the match for the second segment in the intersection.
DFLTDFLT Indicates the return status of HI_RISE_DFLTHighrise DFLT or R_RTE_DFLTRural Routes:
Either HI_RISE_DFLTHighrise DFLT and R_RTE_DFLTRural Routes returned Y.
Both HI_RISE_DFLTHighrise DFLT and R_RTE_DFLTRural Routes returned N or Blank.
DPBCDPBCCode Delivery Point Barcode.
DPV_CMRADPVCMRA Delivery Point Validation CMRA indicator.
DPV_CONFIRMDPVConfirm Indicates if a match occurred for DPV data.
DPV_FALSE_POSDPVFalsePOS DPV false-positive indicator.
DPV_FOOTNOTE1DPVFootNote1 Information about the matched DPV records.
DPV_FOOTNOTE2DPVFootNote2 Information about the matched DPV records.
DPV_FOOTNOTE3DPVFootNote3 Information about the matched DPV records.
The address is valid for CDS pre-processing.
The address is not valid for CDS pre-processing.
DPV is not loaded or DPV did not confirm.
Address was found in false-positive table.
Address was not found in false-positive table.
Address was not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
The address is vacant.
The address is not vacant.
DPV is not loaded or DPV did not confirm (so vacancy is irrelevant).

The names of the enhancement datasets that have been used.

EWS_MATCHEWSMatch Indicates if an EWS match was made:
Match denied because it matched to EWS data.
Input record did not match to EWS data.

Extended Address Correction Result (ACR). The three segments of the code correspond to the address status, component status, and the validation match score. For a complete explanation of the codes within each segment, please refer to the Trillium Geolocation Reference Guide.

FIRM_NAMEParsedFirmName The name of firm from the USPS data or the input firm name. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
FORMATTED_STREET_RANGEFormatted Street Range The formatted range data for the address. This field is only returned for postal centroid candidates.
GEOCONTAINMENT Geocontainment This specifies whether the returned coordinates are inside or outside the address boundary. Values are YES for coordinates within, or NO for coordinates outside the boundary.

To include this field in the output, select:

Return Values > GNAF Identifiers checkbox.

GEOFEATUREGEOFEATURE The physical or virtual reference of the geocode. Physical features associated with the address point may include mailbox, driveway, water meter, building. Virtual features are mathematically- or geometrically-derived spatial-reference points such as the centroid of a lot or property.
GEOFEATURE GeoFeature This field returns a geocode feature type if that was not provided in other GNAF fields. GEOFEATURE corresponds to Geocode Types (GEOCODE_TYPE_AUT Codes) that are described in the PSMA Data Product Description Version 2.7 (Aug. 2012).

To include this field in the output, select:

Return Values > GNAF Identifiers checkbox.

GEOHASHGEOHASH Uses the latitude and longitude of the geocoded candidate to return a 32-bit encoded string representing an area. The more characters in the string, the more precise the location. By default, the precision level is set to the highest precision of 12 characters. If another level is needed, set the custom preference GEOHASH_LEVEL.
GOGo The house number.
GOVT_FLAGGovt Flag The government building indicator:
City government building
Federal government building
State government building
Firm only
City government building and firm only
Federal government building and firm only
State government building and firm only
A, B, C, E, F, and G are valid for alternate records only (ALT_FLAG=A). D is valid for both base and alternate records.
HEXAVIA_CODE French postal street ID such as "01606804"
HEXACLE_CODE French postal housenumber ID such as "83070224ZB"
HI_RISE_DFLTHighriseDFLT Indicates if the match was made to a high-rise building.
HIRANGEHiRange House number at the high end of the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HISTORICALPOSTCODEHistoricalpostcode When the input postal code is a historical postal code, returns the previous postal code for this address.
HIUNITHighUnit High unit number for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HIZIP4HiZip4 High ZIP+4 for the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
HOUSE_NUMBERParsedHouseNumber The house number of input or output address. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
INSEE_CODE French city official administrative ID such as "83070". Note: two codes are assigned to each French town (the Postal Code and the INSEE Code or "Code commune").
IRIS_CODE French census tract ID such as "830700102"
IS_ALIASIsStreetAlias The first character:
Normal street match
Alias match (including buildings, aliases, firms, etc.)

The next 2 characters:

Basic index, normal address match
USPS street name alias index
USPS building index
Statewide intersection alias (when using the Usw.gsi, Use.gsi,or Us.gsi file)
Spatial data street name alias (when using the Us_pw.gsi, Usw.gsi, Us_pe.gsi, Use.gsi, Us_ps.gsi, Usp.gsi, Us_psw.gsi, or Us_pse.gsi file is required.)
Alternate index (when using ZIP9.gsu, ZIP9E.gsu, and ZIP9W.gsu)
Auxiliary file match
Centrus Alias index (when using usca.gsi)
POI index (when using poi.gsi)
USPS Preferred Alias
ZIPMove match (when using us.gsz).

The us.gsz data file contains ZIP+4 codes that have been realigned and a change in city name and/or finance number has occurred. Specifically, ZIPMove allows a change in finance area because CASS searching does not allow a change of finance area unless the input city occurs in more than one finance area, or ZIPMove data contains the old address.

Expanded Centroids match (when using us_cent.gsc or bldgcent.gsc)
ISRURALIsRural When true, indicates the candidate's address is located in a rural region (village).
JUSHO_CODEJushoCode A point ID that represents a unique address.
KEY_UFIKEYUFI New Zealand UFI. The Unique Identifier (UFI) identifies the street segment that the geocoded address belongs to. UFIs are up to 7-digit numbers, assigned by New Zealand Post, that uniquely identify each postal delivery point. The UFI is always returned if available, but you cannot use the UFI for input.
LACS_FLAGLACSLinkFlag Indicates if the address is marked for conversion.
Address marked for LACS conversion.
Address not marked for LACS conversion.
Matched LACSLink record.
LACSLink match NOT found.
False-positive LACSLink record.
Secondary information (unit number) removed to make a LACSLink match.
Not processed through LACSLink.
Matched LACSLink record.
LACSLink match NOT found.
Matched to highrise default, but no LACSLink conversion.
Found LACSLink match, but no LACSLink conversion.
Secondary information (unit number) removed to make a LACSLink match.
Not processed through LACSLink.
False-positive occurred and LACSLink library shutdown.
LACSLink library has not shutdown or not loaded.
LAST_LINEParsedLastLine The complete last line of the address.
LASTLINE_SHORTShortLastline The address last line. Whenever possible, this field is 29 characters or less:
  • 13-character city name
  • 2 (comma and space)
  • 2-character state abbreviation
  • 2 spaces
  • 10-digit ZIP Code
LATLAT The latitude of the address.

The number of a floor or level in a multistory building. For example,

Floor 2, 17 Jones Street

The GNAF database includes level information for some Australian states. Level information may be associated with unit information, but not necessarily. If the GNAF database contains multiple records with the same level, the level information is returned only if the input address contains unique content (such as a unit number). If the GNAF dictionary has level information for an address, that information is returned with the matched candidate.

The correct level information is returned (when available) even if the input address did not include level information, or if the input had the wrong level information. If the input address has level information but the GNAF database does not include level information for the matching address, then the input level information is discarded since it is not validated in the GNAF data.


The label used for a floor of a multistory building. For example, "Level" or "Floor". In this example, the level type is "Level":

Suite 3 Level 7, 17 Jones Street

In this example, Suite 3 is a unit.

LOC_CODELocationCode Location codes indicate the accuracy of the assigned geocode. For descriptions of location codes, see Address Location Codes in the appendix.
LOCATION (Addressing API) The location metadata is an explanation of the precision level of the match. This is an evolving feature and will get more robust as we enrich our data.
LONLON The longitude of the address.
LORANGELoRange House number at the low end of the range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
LOT_CODELotCode Lot ascending and descending value. Only available for addresses that can be standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the output address does not DPV confirm.
LOT_NUMLotNumber 4-digit eLot number. Requires an input address that can be standardized. Blank if running in CASS mode and you have not initialized DPV or the output address does not DPV-confirm.
LOT_NUMBER LotNumber Lot numbers are returned for GNAF candidates because some rural addresses do not have adequate physical or house number information.
LOUNITLowUnit Low unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
LOZIP4LoZip4 Low ZIP+4 for this range. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
OUTERMATCHSCORE A score that measures changes to each address line.
MAIL_STOPMailStop Returns address information appearing after mail stop designator words: MSC, MS, MAILSTOP, MAIL STOP, ATTN, ATTENTION.
MAINADDRLINEParsedMainAddress The complete first line of the address.
MATCH_CODEMatchCode Match codes indicate the portions of the address that matched or did not match to the reference file. For descriptions of match codes, see Match Codes in the appendix.
MATCHED_DBMatchedDB Index of geocoding dataset for matched record.
MCD_NAMEMCDName Minor Civil Division name from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
MCD_NUMBERMCDNumber Minor Civil Division number from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
MESH_BLOCK_ID MeshblockIdentifier A Meshblock is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Meshblocks usually contain a minimum of 20 to 50 households. This is about one fifth the size of a Collection District (CD). You can use the Meshblock ID to do additional attributions against your own data.
METRO_FLAGMetroFlag Indicates whether the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address is located is a metropolitan area or a micropolitan area. One of the following:
The address is located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area. Metropolitan areas have a population greater than 50,000.
The address is not located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in a micropolitan area. Micropolitan areas have a population between 10,000 and 49,999.
Is blank (the county does not contain a CBSA).
METRO_FLAG2MetroFlag2 Indicates whether the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) in which the address is located is a metropolitan area or a micropolitan area. One of the following:
The address is located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area. Metropolitan areas have a population greater than 50,000.
The address is not located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in a micropolitan area. Micropolitan areas have a population between 10,000 and 49,999.
Is blank (the county does not contain a CBSA).
MM_RESULT_CODEMMResultCode The MapMarker result code for this candidate. See Global Result Codes in the appendix.
MULTIPLE_AREAS_FOR_POSTCODEMULTIPLE_AREAS_FOR_POSTCODE Postal centroid candidates return a value of "true" when more than one town is contained within the postcode. The Area Name fields (city/town, state/region, etc.) will be populated when available.
NAMEParsed Name The street name.
NAME_CITYParsedCityName The city name for the matched address from the City-State record.
NAME_SHORTShortStreetName The short street name used to construct the short address line.
NAME2Name2 For intersection matches, the street name for the second segment of the intersection.
NEAREST_DISTNearestDistance Gives the distance, in feet, from the input location to the matched street segment, point address, or intersection.
Note: For reverse geocoding only.
NZL_MESHBLOCK_IDMeshBlockID New Zealand Meshblock identifier. A Meshblock is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is collected by Statistics New Zealand. Meshblocks vary in size from part of a city block to large areas of rural land.
ORIGINAL_LATITUDEOriginalLatitude The original latitude value.
ORIGINAL_LONGITUDEOriginalLongitude The original longitude value.
ORIGINAL_LATITUDE OriginalLatitude The original GNAF latitude.
ORIGINAL_LONGITUDE OriginalLongitude The original GNAF longitude.

A score that measures changes to each address line.

PARCEN_ELEVATIONParcen Elevation The elevation of the geocode at the parcel centroid. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
PB_KEYPBKey A unique address identifier returned when an address match is made using the Master Location Dataset (MLD). It is used as a lookup key to a GeoEnrichment dataset, in order to return attribute data for the match.
Note: For forward and reverse geocoding.
Note: To return this field, select the Return all available information option.
PERCENT_GEOCODE Percentage along the street segment to the interpolated match. The range is 0.0 - 100.0. The range is always 0.0 for point data.
Note: For reverse geocoding only.
PLOTPLOT Plot number. For example, Thai address points contain plot numbers and house numbers to support the Plot/House used in Thai addresses such as "7/22 Moo 5" (house 22 on plot 7).
PMB_DESIGNATORPMBDesignator U.S. Postal Service allows the use of "PMB" or the "#"sign as the Private mailbox (PMB) designator.
PMB_NUMBERPMBNumber Private mailbox number.
POI_CATEGORYPOICategory Point of interest category. This field describes the type of POI, such as a bank, ATM, or restaurant.
POINT_IDPoint ID The unique point ID of the matched record when matched to point-level data. Blank if the matched record is not from point-level data. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
POSTAL_FALLBACKPostalFallback USA fallback candidates returns the correct MatchCode and LocationCode indicating a postal fallback, rather than codes indicating a postal level geocode.
POSTAL_VERIFIED YES - the postal code is valid

NO - the postal code is invalid

POSTCODE_COUNT_IN_AREAPOSTCODE_COUNT_IN_AREA City/town-level candidates (match code G3) display the number of postcodes found in a town. The Postcode field will also be output when available.
POSTDIRStreetPostDirectional Postfix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
POSTDIR_SHORTShortPostDirectional Postdir from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
POSTDIR2PostDirectional2 For intersection matches, the postfix direction of the second street in the intersection. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
POST_THOROUGHFARE_TYPE Street type after the main address, such as "Main St".
PRE_THOROUGHFARE_TYPE Street type before the main address, such as "Via Veneto".

A code that describes the precision of the address match for the input address.

PREDIRStreetPreDirectional Prefix direction. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
PREDIR_SHORTShortPreDirectional Prefix direction from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
PREDIR2PreDirectional2 For intersection matches, the prefix direction of the second street in the intersection. Can be blank, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, or SE.
PREF_CITYParsedPreferredCity The preferred city name for the output ZIP Code of the matched address.
PRIMARY_AREA_FOR_POSTCODEPRIMARY_AREA_FOR_POSTCODE If more than one town is contained within the postcode, candidates return a value of "true" if the current town is the primary town for this postcode. The area names (city/town, state/region, etc.) fields will be populated when available.
QCITYQCity State, city, or finance numbers.
R_RTE_DFLTRuralRoutes Match indicator for rural routes.
RANGE_PARITYRangeParity Indicates the parity of the house number in the range:
RDIRetCodeRDIRetCode Residential Delivery Indicator identifies whether a delivery type is classified as residential or business.
Note: To use RDI, Delivery Point Validation (DPV) must also be enabled and a US Streets dataset configured.
Not processed through RDI
REC_TYPERecType The range record type:
Auxiliary file
General Delivery
Post Office/PO Box
Rural Route
TIGER record match
User Dictionary
Not applicable to street intersection matches.
RESOLVED_LINEResolvedLine Indicates which line in a 2-line address was used to resolve the address.
ROAD_CLASSRoadClass The road class code:
Minor road, main data file
Major road, main data file
Minor road, supplemental file
Major road, supplemental data file
Not applicable to street intersection matches.
ROAD_CLASS2RoadClass2 For intersection matches, the road class code of the second segment in the intersection:
Minor road, main data file
Major road, main data file
Minor road, supplemental file
Major road, supplemental data file
SEG_HIRANGESegmentHighRange Provides the high house number in the segment.
SEG_HIRANGE2SegHiRange2 For intersection matches, provides the high house number of the second segment in the intersection.
SEG_LORANGESegmentLowRange Provides the low house number in the segment.
SEG_LORANGE2SegLoRange2 For intersection matches, provides the low house number of the second segment in the intersection.
SEGMENT_DIRECTIONSegmentDirection Gives the direction of the segment:
Numbers are forward.
Numbers are reversed.
SEGMENT_DIRECTION2SegmentDirection2 For intersection matches, gives the direction of the second segment in the intersection:
Numbers are forward.
Numbers are reversed.
SEGMENT_IDSegmentID Segment ID (TLID) or unique ID from premium data vendors. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
SEGMENT_ID2SegmentID2 For intersection matches, the Segment ID (TLID) or unique ID from premium data vendors for the second segment in the intersection.
SEGMENT_PARITYSegmentParity Provides the segment parity. The parity indicates which side of the street the odd numbers in the segment are located:
Left side of the street
Right side of the street
Both sides of the street
SEGMENT_PARITY2SegmentParity2 For intersection matches, provides the segment parity for the second segment in the intersection. The parity indicates which side of the street the odd numbers in the segment are located:
Left side of the street
Right side of the street
Both sides of the street
STATEParsedState The state abbreviation.
STATE_FIPSStateFIPS The state FIPS code.
STREET_SIDEStreetSide The matched address is on the following side of the street:
Left side of the street.
Right side of the street.
Both sides of the street.
Unknown side of the street.
This is relative to the segment end points and the segment direction (SEGMENT_DIRECTION).
STREET_TYPE_ABB StreetTypeAbbreviation The abbreviation for the street type, which is spelled out by default.
SUB_LOCALITYSublocality The municipal division below locality (areaName4) level. This returns an SL result code.
SuiteLink record match.
No SuiteLink match.
This address was not processed through SuiteLink.

The Local Delivery Unit (LDU) is assigned to postal addresses by the Canada Post. If an address has not been assigned an LDU, Precisely has assigned a "Synthetic LDU". Synthetic LDUs are not recognized by Canada Post. However, our methodology for assigning them is geographically congruent with LDUs assigned by Canada Post.

For Geocode and Reverse Geocode candidates, the SYNTHETIC_LDU is only returned for cases when it is true. Autocomplete candidates will return a "t" or an "f" depending on whether the candidate has a SYNTHETIC_LDU or not.
Note: Available in Canadian Master Location Data (CAN MLD CA8/ 8CA)
THOROUGHFARE_TYPEThoroughfareType Street type.
TYPE_SHORTShortStreetType Street type from the ADDRLINE_SHORT field.
TYPE2Type2 For intersection matches, the street type for the second segment in the intersection.
UD_ORIGINAL_LATITUDE UDOriginalLatitude The original latitude returned from a point-based user dictionary.
UD_ORIGINAL_LONGITUDE UDOriginalLongitude The original longitude returned from a point-based user dictionary.
UNIT_NUMBERParsedUnitNumber The unit number. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
UNIT_TYPEParsedUnitType The unit type (APT, STE, etc.). Not applicable to street intersection matches.
URB_NAMEURBName The urbanization name for Puerto Rico.
VALIDATION_CONFIDENCE A calculated score ranging from 0 to 100, indicating the level of confidence that the match results are correct. Confidence codes are calculated based on an algorithm that takes into account the match results for individual output fields. Output fields included in this calculation are:
Addressing API Geocoding API
country country
city areaName3
admin1 areaName1
street streetName
addressNumber addressNumber
streetPreDirectional PRE_DIRECTIONAL
streetPostDirectional POST_DIRECTIONAL
VALIDATIONDATASET The name of the validation dataset used during address validation calls.
VALIDATIONRULE Validation Rule code. This field is populated by address, geocoding and enhancement datasets. The codes are dataset-specific and provide extra information about the processing of the data.
ZIPParsedZip 5-digit ZIP Code. Not applicable to street intersection matches.
ZIP_CARRTSORTZipCarrtSort Indicates the type of cart sort allowed:
Automation cart allowed, optional cart merging allowed.
Automation cart allowed, optional cart merging not allowed.
Automation cart not allowed, optional cart merging allowed.
Automation cart not allowed, optional cart merging not allowed.
ZIP_CLASSZipClass ZIP Classification Code:
Standard ZIP Code
Military ZIP Code
ZIP Code has P.O. Boxes only
Unique ZIP Code. (A unique ZIP Code is a ZIP Code assigned to a company, agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume to receive its own ZIP Code.)
ZIP_FACILITYZipFacility Returns the USPS City State Name Facility Code:
Airport Mail Facility (AMF)
Community Post Office (CPO)
Area Distribution Center (ADC)
Sectional Center Facility (SCF)
Delivery Distribution Center (DDC)
General Mail Facility (GMF)
Bulk Mail Center (BMC)
Money Order Unit
Non-Postal Community Name, Former Postal Facility, or Place Name
Post Office
ZIP10ParsedZip10 10-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4) with dash separator.
ZIP4ParsedZip4 4-digit ZIP Code extension.
ZIP9ParsedZip9 9-digit ZIP Code (ZIP + 4).
result_code The result code for this candidate. S8HPNTSCZA
gnaf_reliability A number indicating the geocode precision. Reliability is related to the dictionary used to determine the geocode. Data with geocoded reliability levels 1, 2, and 3 is contained in the GNAF123 Dictionary. This is point (parcel) level geocoded data. Data with geocoded reliability levels 4, 5, and 6 is contained in the GNAF456 Dictionary. This contains non-parcel centroid geocoded data. For example: 2.
thoroughfare_type Thoroughfare types and their common abbreviations are recognized and fully supported on input and output. For example: ROAD.
match_type Reflects the currently configured match type. for example: ADDRESS
geocontainment This specifies whether the returned coordinates are inside or outside the address boundary. Values are YES for coordinates within, or NO for coordinates outside the boundary. Example value: Yes
PB_KEY A unique address identifier returned when an address match is made using the Master Location Dataset (MLD). Example value: P0012QRKNCIM
LANGUAGE The language supported. Example Value: en.
segment_ID The segmentID is segment identifier you want to return the data for. Example value: GANSW705712398
GNAF_CONFIDENCE A number indicating how many G-NAF datasets the address is found in. A higher confidence level means that the same address was found in more data contributor sources. Example value: 2
POST_THOROUGHFARE_TYPE Street type after the main address, such as Main St.
GNAF_GEOCODE_LEVEL A number indicating the level o f geocode for the address. Every principal address within the G-NAF database has at least a locality level geocode. They may also have a street level geocode and a point level geocode.

One of the following:

No geocode.
Parcel level geocode only (no locality or street level geocode).
Street level geocode only (no locality or parcel level geocode).
Street and parcel level geocodes (no locality geocode).
Locality level geocode only (no street or parcel level geocode).
Locality and parcel level geocodes (no street level geocode).
Locality and street level geocodes (no parcel level geocodes).
Locality, street and parcel level geocodes.
GNAF_ADDRESS_CLASS The Address_Class is constructed using a combination of elements from the G-NAF Data Dictionary source tables. The components of the Address_Class field are:

A Alias address record

P Principal address record

PP Principal primary address record

PS Principal secondary address record

AP Alias primary address record

AS Alias secondary address record

MAIN_ADDRESS The main adress line. Example value: WELLESLEY
GNAF_PID The G-NAF Persistent Identifier (G-NAF PID) is a 14-character alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies each G-NAF address. The PID is constructed from a combination of the major address fields of the G-NAF database. An example of a G-NAF PID is: GANSW705712398.
PRECISION_CODE A code that describes the precision of the address match for the input address. Example value: S8HPNTSCZA.
MESH_BLOCK_ID A Meshblock is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Meshblocks usually contain a minimum of 20 to 50 households. This is about one fifth the size of a Collection District (CD). You can use the Meshblock ID to do additional attributions against your own data. Example value: 10423770000
GNAF_PARCEL_ID The Parcel ID field is the generic parcel id field provided by custodial data, and represents a Lot on Plan description that is useful for government agencies. The exact format varies. G-NAF source data has over 7 million records with a Parcel_ID. The Australia geocoder supplements this to populate over 12,730,000 G-NAF records with a Parcel_ID field. Example value: 4/14093.
GNAF_SA1 The Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) field as the second smallest geographic area defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Mesh Block is the smallest unit. The SA1 is designed for use in the Census of Population and Housing as the smallest unit for the processing and release of Census data. An SA1 is represented by a unique seven digit code. Example value: 12103140937
LOT_NUMBER Lot numbers are returned for candidates because some rural addresses do not have adequate physical or house number information. Example value LOT 4
GEOFEATURE The physical or virtual reference of the geocode. Physical features associated with the address point may include mailbox, driveway, water meter, building. Virtual features are mathematically- or geometrically-derived spatial-reference points such as the centroid of a lot or property. Example Value: PRECISELY FRONTAGE CTR SETBACK.