For India, Exact match mode returns the available sublocality and place name information, in addition to other standard address elements.
The following table lists output fields that are unique to India:
Fields | Description |
ExtendedPrecisionCode | Candidates can return an ExtendedPrecisionCode in additional fields. The value is PSLS, where each character represents match for place name, sublocality, locality and state respectively. When a field is not matched, the character at corresponding position is replaced with a hyphen. For example, "PS-S" represents matches on place name, sublocality and state, with no match on locality. |
POI_CATEGORY | POI Candidates return the POI_CATEGORY in additional field. This describes type POI type (such as a Bank, ATM, or Restaurant). |
ISRURAL | G4 candidates now return as ISRURAL identifier in additional fields. This indicates whether a G4 candidate represents a rural region (village). Yes means is a village candidate, No means it is not. |