Address Autocomplete Preferences - 5.0

Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide

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Geo Addressing
Geo Addressing SDK
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Geo Addressing SDK
Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide
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Preferences supported by the Address Autocomplete Service include a variety of preferences. The following table describes the preferences available to all countries.
Table 1. Preferences
Option Type Description
clientCoordSysName String Specifies the coordinate system that you want to convert the geometry to. The format must be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code or the SRID code. Default = EPSG:4326.

Specify the coordinate reference system in the format codespace:code.

clientLocale Object Specify the locale value. For example, specify "th" for the Thai language.
cornerOffset Distance Specify the distance to offset the street end points in street-level matching. This is used to prevent addresses at street corners from being given the same geocode as the intersection. Defines the offset position of the geocoded point with respect to the corner. The default is 7 meters.
customPreferences Object For use against any country dataset, define custom preferences to control additional functionality such as matching criteria, address casing, and enable functionality like DPV and SuiteLink.
distance Distance Define the search radius. The default is 5 meters.
factoryDescription FactoryDescription Controls which address processor will process the request.
fallbackToGeographic Boolean Specifies whether to attempt to determine a geographic region centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined. Optional.
Return a geographic centroid when an address-level centroid cannot be determined. Default.
Do not return a geographic centroid when an address-level centroid cannot be determined.
fallbackToPostal Boolean Specifies whether to attempt to determine a post code centroid when an address-level geocode cannot be determined. Optional.
Return a post code centroid when an address-level centroid cannot be determined. Default.
Do not return a post code centroid when an address-level centroid cannot be determined.
matchMode String Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between the input address and the reference data. Select a match mode based on the quality of your input and your desired output. The following match modes can used to allow fuzzy matching while using Autocomplete. Please note that using fuzzy match options will impact performance. Autocomplete has fuzzy match turned off by default to give the best performance and most accurate results. The following match modes are available:
Requires a very tight match. This restrictive mode generates the fewest match candidates, which decreases the processing time.
Requires a close match and generates a moderate number of match candidates. No fuzzy match is used when searching on an address. Default.
Allows a loose match and generates the most match candidates, which increases the processing time and results in more multiple matches. Fuzzy match is used when searching an address. The maximum edits for each address field is two and the first characters of the string can be different.
Provides the capability for you to define the matching criteria by setting MustMatch fields; however, you can only set the MustMatch fields using a POST request. For a GET request, the MustMatch default values are used.
Fuzzy match is used when searching an address. The maximum edits for each address field is one and the first character of the string must match.
maxResults Integer The maximum number of candidates to return. Default = 1.
originXY <Double> array XY coordinates of the origin address.
"preferences" : 
  "originXY" : [-73.70252500000001, 42.68323]
  "address" : 
  "mainAddressLine" : "350 Jordan Rd"
returnAllInfo Boolean Specifies whether to return all available information for each candidate.
Return all available information for each candidate.
Do not return all available information for each candidate. Default.
returnOfAdditionalFields <String> array

This lets the user control which additional fields they want to have returned if they do not want to return all info.

For example, to return the PreciselyID, use the value PB_KEY
  "preferences" : {
    "returnOfAdditionalFields " : ["PB_KEY"]
streetOffset Distance Specify the offset distance from the street segments to use in street-level geocoding. The offset prevents the geocode from being in the middle of a street.