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Premium Address Points Australia Product Guide

Product type
Product family
Enrich Addresses > World Addresses
Premium Address Points
Product name
G-NAF Premium Australia
Premium Address Points Australia Product Guide
First publish date
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Premium Address Points is a general purpose, value-added data product that is designed to meet the needs of most users. By default, G-NAF is supplied as an array of proprietary files designed for loading into RDBMS. With more than 6GB of content available, this process can be quite daunting for those who merely require a simple address search layer in their spatial solution.

Premium Address Points is designed to make the use of G-NAF easy and available in a plug-and-play form. It is made up of points with geographic coordinates and basic address information. It makes it possible to verify a physical address in Australia and locate its position.

Premium Address Points exhibits value-added enhancements to allow user to uniquely and precisely identify addresses throughout Australia and its territories. These enhancements are derived from Precisely Suburbs and Localities, Postcodes and Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1) boundaries.

Premium Address Points includes property parcel centroid and frontage coordinates for all reliability code 1, 2 and 3 address records (parcel level precision). Reliability code 4, 5 and 6 address records are maintained at the original coordinates as supplied in G-NAF.

For points with a reliability code of 1, 2 or 3, G-NAF provides original coordinates at either the parcel centroid or frontage, or both. The type of centroid coordinates displayed for each record is shown in the field DEFAULT_GEOCODE_TYPE.