IRIS is the french acronym for Ilot Regroupés pour l'Information Statistique. Franciemes IRIS is the smallest French statistical unit and the level of detail recommended for many local market data studies. It divides the country into units of roughly equal population (2,000 inhabitants) for statistical analysis. Municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants are not divided. Metropolitan France includes more than 50,000 IRIS. The key benefits of this product are as follows:
- Provides a common mapping framework for IRIS in Metropolitan France and overseas
- Available at the City and IRIS level
- Vector outlines of IRIS contours in this product are keyed to street layouts to ensure consistency between related information
- IRIS is the main geography for delivering local census data. It is linked to the annual French Census from INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques).