To install GeoEnrichment Flood Risk, download the compressed file <product_name> Extract this file and find the folder <product_name>. This folder contains the product data file (ge_flood_risk_usa.txt) and a Documentation folder. The documentation folder contains the following files:
- <product_name>_YYYY.MM_ statistics.xlsx – overall product statistics
- <product_name>_vYYYY_MM_data_schema.xlsx – product schema
- EnrichDocumentationReadMe.pdf – file containing links to additional product documentation (data schema, product guide) in the Precisely Help Center
In these folder/file names, YYYY represents the data vintage year and MM represents the data vintage month.
Once extracted, data can be loaded into a database, GIS software, or the Spectrum Technology Platform.
For more information on using these tools, please visit
For more information about working with H2DB files, please refer to the Using the H2DB file format section of this user guide.