DL/I Installation Procedures - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Installation

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Installation
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To install IMS Finalist and convert the Finalist City/State and Data Files to a DL/I format, follow these steps.

  1. Perform an MFSGEN for all format members in the hlq.IMS.TFMTSORC library. Use sample MFSGEN in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB as an example for the members you need to generate.
  2. If necessary, modify the DBDGENs for all Finalist databases that you require. Use sample DBDGEN in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to define the databases.
  3. Create an application PSB for all application programs that call Finalist. Finalist requires S56LPCH and S56LPWNH for its online applications. Use sample PSBGEN in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to complete the PSB gen.
  4. Use the sample FNDBJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the Finalist DL/I files.
    1. Use the sample FNDPJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the DPV DL/I files.
    2. Use the sample FNLLJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the LACSLink DL/I files.
    3. Use the sample FNEWJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the EWS DL/I files.
    4. Use the sample FNLTJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the eLOT DL/I files.
    5. Use the sample FNRDJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the RDI DL/I files.
    6. Use the sample FNPBKJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the PreciselyID DL/I files.
    7. Use the sample FNSLJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the SuiteLink DL/I files.
    8. Use the sample FNSUDJCL in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to create and populate the DPV and LACSLink security DL/I files.
  5. Perform the ACBGEN for the members contained in hlq.IMS.ACBCNTL. Use sample ACBGEN in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB as an example of the members you need to generate.
  6. Add the IMS Finalist load library (hlq.IMS.LOAD) to the STEPLIB for the IMS region. Your STEPLIB should be concatenated as shown below.
  7. Run a Stage 1 IMSGEN based on the Stage 1 macro supplied in member FINALIST in the hlq.IMS.GENMAC library. A Stage 1 GEN is only required the first time you install IMS Finalist, or when changes are made to the transaction names or the SPA sizes.
  8. Edit DFSMDA in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to reference your database names. For more information, refer to your IBM IMS/VS Utilities Manual. Use sample IMSDALOC in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to process the DFSMDA statements you just edited.
  9. Finalist reads the Early Warning System (EWS) File into memory only after recycling your IMS region or after stopping and restarting program PBFNEWS. This reduces input/output and significantly improves product performance. If you update the EWS File, CBEWS, and do not recycle your IMS region, issue the following IMS commands (xx is the current message number for your IMS WTOR):
  10. If your site uses Exceptions File processing, refer to "Exceptions Table Option" in your Finalist User's Guide for more information. This step is optional and is the final step in the installation. Use sample PBFNEXTB in hlq.IMS.JCLLIB to process your Exceptions File.
  11. Verify your installation. For information on verifying your Finalist IMS installation, refer to "Using Finalist IMS" in your Finalist User's Guide.