These steps describe the sequence of Finalist SuiteLink processing.
Finalist calls SuiteLink when the following conditions are met:
- The Finalist configuration file (pbfn.cfg) indicates SuiteLink = ON and all other required SuiteLink parameters are defined with valid values.
- Finalist successfully coded the address and the following information exists in the address record:
- Firm name
- Valid ZIP Code
- Valid ZIP + 4 Code
- Primary number exists
- A match has been made to a highrise or street default record.
- The Finalist database is current.
- The SuiteLink database is current.
- If SuiteLink returns secondary data, Finalist attempts another match using the corrected data.
- Finalist checks the Return SLK Input Secondary configuration setting to determine how to return secondary information when SuiteLink secondary information is available.
- Finalist prints statistics at end of job.