The USPS has put security measures in place to ensure mailers using DPV and LACSLink processing do not use these applications to generate mailing lists. False Positive (Seed) records are artificially manufactured addresses provided as part of the DPV and LACSLink options. If the USPS identifies a mailer as repetitively generating False Positive (Seed) violations, the USPS may direct Precisely to invalidate their license.
Towards that end, the USPS monitors addresses that generate a False Positive result. The USPS requires Precisely to report any organization generating a False Positive result during DPV and/or LACSLink processing. If you generate a False Positive result, Finalist generates an error message indicating a False Positive (Seed) violation.
For the job that encountered the False Positive (Seed) violation, the CASS statement will be provided showing the number of records that were confirmed up until the point of the False Positive (Seed) violation. No records will be confirmed after the False Positive (Seed) violation occurred.
For any job set to perform CASS processing and submitted after a the False Positive (Seed) violation occurs, Finalist generates an initialization error and stops processing.