The structures listed below provide information on False Positive results generated during DPV and/or LACSLink processing. For more information on these structures, refer to your Finalist Reference Guide.
Structure | Description |
USPSDPVHdrDef | Returns the header data required by the USPS for DPV False Positive (Seed) Table violations in the USPS-required format. |
USPSDetailDef | Returns the detail data required by the USPS for each record creating a DPV Option False Positive (Seed) Table violation in the USPS-required format. |
USPSPBLACSDetDef | Returns the LACSLink violation detail data required by the USPS. Finalist creates a record in the USPS-required format for each False Positive (Seed) Table violation. |
USPSPBLACSHdrDef | Returns the LACSLink False Positive violation header data required by the USPS for LACSLink processing in the USPS-required format. |