To activate auxiliary processing using the PBFNSetupDef structure, complete these fields in the PBFNSetupDef structure. For more information about the PBFNSetupDef structure, refer to "Structures and Constants" in your Finalist Reference Guide.
Process | PBFNSetupDef Field | Description |
DPV | PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPV cAssignDPV | Indicate whether to perform Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing. |
PBFN-GCFG-DPVFILEPATH cDPVFilePath | Define the path to the DPV file. | |
PBFN-GCFG-DPVKEY-NAME cDPVKeyName | Enter the DPV security key. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVTIE cAssignDPVTie | Indicate whether to perform DPV Tie Break processing. | |
PBFN-GCFG-DPVSHUTDOWNINDICATOR cDPVShutdownIndicator | Indicate the action to take when encountering a DPV False Positive (Seed) violation during processing. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVNOSTAT cAssignDPVNoStat | Indicate whether to use the No-Stat Table and return the proper No-Stat code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVVACANT cAssignDPVVacant | Indicate whether to use the Vacant Table and return the proper Vacant code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVDNA cAssignDPVDNA | Indicate whether to use the Door Not Accessible (DNA) Table and return the proper DNA code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVNSL cAssignDPVNSL | Indicate whether to use the DPV No Secure Location (NSL) Table and return the proper NSL code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVTHRWBK cAssignDPVTHRWBK | Indicate whether to use the DPV P.O. Box Throwback Table and return the proper P.O. Box Throwback code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNDPVPBSA cAssignDPVPBSA | Indicate whether to use the PBSA Table and return the proper PBSA code to the output. | |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNCMRA cAssignCMRA | Indicate whether to perform Commercial Mail Receiving Agents (CMRA) processing. | |
PBFN-GCFG-DPVBUFSIZE cDPVBufSize | Specify the memory model to use for DPV processing. | |
eLOT | PBFN-GCFG-LOTFILE-NAME cLOTFileName | Specify the LOT file name and path. |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNLOT cAssignLOT | Indicate whether to assign LOT codes. | |
EWS | PBFN-GCFG-EWSFILE-NAME cEWSFileName | Specify the EWS file name and path. |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNEWS cAssignEWS | Indicate whether to perform EWS processing. | |
LACSLink | PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNLACSLINK cAssignLACSLink | Indicate whether to perform LACSLink processing. |
PBFN-GCFG-LACSLINKPROCESSING cLACSLinkProcessing | Specify the memory model for LACSLink processing. | |
PBFN-GCFG-LACSLINKFILEPATH cLACSLinkFilePath | Define the path to the LACSLink File. | |
PBFN-GCFG-LACSLINKKEY cLACSLinkKey | Specify the LACSLink security key. | |
PreciselyID | PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNPRECISELYID cAssignPreciselyID | Indicate whether to perform PreciselyID processing. |
RDI | PBFN-GCFG-RDIFILEPATH cRDIFilePath | Specify the RDI file name and path. |
PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNRDI cAssignRDI | Indicate whether to perform RDI processing. | |
SuiteLink | PBFN-GCFG-ASSIGNSUITELINK cAssignSuiteLink | Indicate whether to perform SuiteLink processing. |
PBFN-GCFG-SUITELINKFILEPATH cSuiteLinkFilePath | Define the path to the SuiteLink File. | |
PBFN-GCFG-SUITELINKSHUTDOWN cSuiteLinkShutdown | Indicate the action to take when encountering a SuiteLink processing error during the processing run. | |
PBFN-GCFG-RETSLKINPUTSECDRY cRetSLKinputSecdry | Indicate whether to return input secondary information when SuiteLink returns secondary information. | |
PBFN-GCFG-SUITELINKSMALLMEM cSuiteLinkSmallMem | Indicate the memory model to use for SuiteLink processing. |