Finalist Batch Report - Page 7 - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Guide
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Finalist Batch Report © 1984, 2022 Precisely. All Rights Reserved.       Page 7

    DPV Processing Statistics                                          Count         %

    Total Records Through DPV Processing                                 2940     91.99
    Total DPV Y Type                                                     1961     61.36
    Total DPV S Type                                                      296      9.26
    Total DPV D Type                                                      303      9.48
    Total DPV Not Validated                                               380     11.89

    Total DPV Vacant Found                                                 38      1.19
    Total DPV NoStat Found                                               1075     33.64
    Total DPV PBSA Found                                                  262      8.20
    Total DPV DNA Found                                                     7      0.22
    Total DPV CMRA Found                                                  783     24.50
    Total DPV Throwback Found                                             270      8.45
    Total DPV NSL Found                                                     0      0.00
    Total DPV NDD Found                                                   112      3.50
    Total DPV Drop Found                                                   20      0.63

    LACSLink Processing Statistics                                     Count         %
    Total Records Through LACSLink Processing                              39      1.22
    Total LACS Street not found (  )                                        0      0.00
    Total LACS Successful Conversion (A )                                   1      0.03
    Total No LACS Match (00)                                               38      1.19
    Total LACS Match Found But No Conversion (14)                           0      0.00
    Total LACS Match Found With Unit (92)                                   0      0.00
    Total LACS Match High Rise Default (09)                                 0      0.00

    SuiteLink Processing Statistics                                    Count         %
    Total Records Through SuiteLink Processing                            813     25.44
    Total Successful SuiteLink Matches                                    205      6.41
    Total Successful SuiteLink Matches with Corrected Suites              205      6.41

    PreciselyID Processing Statistics                                  Count         %
    Total Records Through PreciselyID Processing                            0      0.00
    Total PreciselyID 'Y' Matches                                           0      0.00
    Total PreciselyID 'D' Matches                                           0      0.00 

The Structure Field below is the "C" field name. Refer to Chapter 2, Structures and Constants in your Finalist Reference Guide for the COBOL equivalent.

Table 1. Finalist Batch Report Field Descriptions
Report Field Structure Field Description
Finalist Batch Report © YYYY Precisely Inc. Page N N/A Report title and page number that displays at the top of each page.

For the z/OS platform, the copyright symbol displays as EBCDIC characters as shown here:

Finalist Batch Report (c) YYYY PITNEY BOWES INC.

Finalist Batch Report - Page 1 - PBFNInfoDef Fields
Software Version
Release Ver. cCassEngineVersion Current CASS version number found on the USPS 3553 Form (CASS Summary Report). This number is returned in a N.NN.NN.D format where "N.NN.NN" is the release number and "D" is the alpha CASS cycle character required and defined by USPS. The release numbers are assigned according to USPS CASS rules.
Build Date EngineBuild Internal number for the engine build. This number is returned in a "FNxx.yy.zz $Revision n $" format where "xx.yy.zz" is the Finalist release number and "n" is the version number.
Expire Date cEngineExpDate This is the CASS expiration date for the Finalist engine. This date represents the end of a CASS cycle year as declared by the USPS. This date is returned in a mmddyyyy format (two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year).
ZIP+4 Database
Version cZip4BaseVer Three-digit version number for the ZIP + 4 database. This number returns without punctuation (for example, database X.XX will return as XXX).
Copyright Date cZip4BaseDate This is the maintenance date for the USPS data used for this engine build. This date is returned in a mmyyyy format (two-digit month and four-digit year).
Expire Date cZip4BaseExpDate This is the CASS expiration date for the ZIP + 4 File. This date is calculated according to current USPS rules for this engine build. This date is returned in a mmddyyyy format (two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year).
City Database
Version cCityBaseVer This is the three-digit version number for the City database. This number returns without punctuation (for example, database X.XX will return as XXX).
Copyright Date cCityBaseDate This is the maintenance date for the USPS data used for this engine build. This date returns in a mmyyyy format (two-digit month and four-digit year).
Expire Date cCityBaseExpDate This is the CASS expiration date for the City File. This date is calculated according to current USPS rules for this engine build. This date returns in a mmddyyyy format (two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year).
EWS Database
Copyright Date cEWSBaseDate This is the maintenance data for the USPS data used for this engine build. This date is returned in an mm-dd-yyyy format.
RDI Database
Copyright Date cRDIBaseDate This is the maintenance data for the USPS data used for this engine build. This date is returned in an mm-dd-yyyy format. (RDI does not have an actual date as part of the file so the ZIP+4 date is provided.)
Copyright Date cPreciselyIDDate Date the PreciselyID database was built (mm-dd-yyyy format).
LOT Database
Product cLOTProdName This is the name of the Line of Travel (LOT) database file being used in the run.
Version cLOTBaseVer This is the version number for the LOT database. This number is returned without punctuation (for example, 2.00 returns as 200).
Copyright Date cLOTBaseDate This is the maintenance date for the USPS data. This date is returned in an mmyyyy format (two-digit month and four-digit year).
LACS Database
Product cLACSProdName Certified LACSLink product name.
Version cLACSVersion LACSLink product version number.
Release Date cLACSBaseDate LACSLink database date in format yyyymmdd.
System Information
Processor cProcessorType Specifies the type of processor in the system when available.
OS cOSType (PBFN-BINF-OS-TYPE) Operating system based on program value (MVS, VMS, WIN32) or query of the operating system information (for example, Unix - uname).
OS Version cOSVersion The version of the operating system.
System ID(s) CPUID Displays the System ID found on this system.
DPV Database
Copyright Date cDPVBaseDate This is the maintenance data for the USPS data used for this engine build. This date is returned in an mm-dd-yyyy format.
SuiteLink Database
Product cSuiteLinkProdName Certified SuiteLink product name.
Release Number cSuiteLinkVersion SuiteLink product version number.
Release Date cSuiteLinkBaseDate SuiteLink database date in format ccyymmdd.
Expire Date cSuiteLinkBaseExpDate SuiteLink database expiration date in format yyyymmdd.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 2 - PBFNSetupDef Fields
City Filename cCityFileName City Database file name.
ZIP+4 Filename 1 cZip4FileName ZIP + 4 Database file name.
Configuration Filename cConfigFileName Path to and file name of the Configuration File.
Config LOAD/NOLOAD cLoadSetup Identifies whether or not to load the setup structure from the configuration file.
Batch Report Filename cStatFileNameSetup Output file name for the Finalist Batch Report and the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). This field contains the file name found in the pbfn.cfg. If you do not enter the output file name in the pbfn.cfg File, the default file name batch.txt will be used.
3553 Report Filename c3553FileNameSetup Output file name for the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). This field contains the file name found in the pbfn.cfg file. If you do not enter the output file name in the pbfn.cfg File, the default file name cass3553.txt will be used.
CASS Company Name cCASSCompName Name of the CASS-certified company. This information displays in section A box 1 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
CASS Product Name cCASSProdName Name of the CASS-certified product. This information displays in section A box 2 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
CASS Product Version cCASSProdVer Version number for the CASS-certified product. This information displays in section A box 2 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
LOT Certified Company Name cLOTCertCompName Line of Travel (LOT)-certified company name. This information displays in section A box 7 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
LOT Certified Product Name cLOTCertProdName Line of Travel (LOT)-certified-product name. This information displays in section A box 8 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
LOT Certified Product Version cLOTCertProdVer Version number for the Line of Travel (LOT)-certified product. This information displays in section A box 8 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
DPC Certified Company Name cDPCCertCompName Delivery Point Code certified-company name. This information displays in section A box 10 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
DPC Certified Product Name cDPCCertProdName Delivery Point Code-certified product name. This information displays in section A box 11 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
DPC Certified Product Version cDPCCertProdVer Version number for the Delivery Point Code-certified product. This information displays in section A box 11 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
CASS Mailer Name cMailerName CASS-certified mailer name.
CASS Mailer Address cMailerAddress CASS-certified mailer address.
CASS Mailer City Line cMailerCityLine CASS-certified mailer city line.
CASS Configuration cCASSConfiguration CASS configuration value. This information displays in section A box 3 on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
Batch Report cBatchRptOpt Indicates whether to print the Finalist Batch Report.
3553 Report c3553RptOpt Indicates whether to print the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
CASS Flag cCASSFlag Indicates whether Finalist processes in non-CASS or CASS mode. For batch processing, cCASSFlag=ON ensures that CASS-required options are turned on including DPV, LACSLink, SuiteLink, CASS configuration, Carrier Route (CR), and Delivery Point (DPBC). For DPV, the Flat file option is used when no other DPV option is specified.
Note: If CASS Flag = ON and a conflicting option is encountered (Configuration, Assign CR, Return DPBC, LACSLink=OFF, SuiteLink=OFF, or DPV=OFF), a warning message is written to the log file indicating that CASS has been forced off and the reason for CASS being forced off. The message is similar to:

Warning Message; CASS forced off: CASS Configuration, Return DPBC, Assign CR, Assign SuiteLink, Assign LACSLink, Assign DPV

Assign Carrier Routes cAssignCR Indicates whether Finalist assigns carrier route codes to your file.
Assign Unassign Records cProcessUnassigned This field indicates how to code previously unassigned or expired addresses. Specifically, the member indicates whether only previously unassigned or expired addresses should be postal coded in batch mode or whether all supplied address records should be coded.
Assign Abbreviated City cAssignAbbrevCity Indicates whether Finalist returns abbreviated city names.
Cache Size cCacheSize Indicates whether Finalist should use internal caching.
End Frame Char cEndFrame Indicates the character to use for the end framing character for advanced barcodes. If you do not specify a value here, the BegFrame character is used. If you do not specify a character for BegFrame or EndFrame, Finalist uses the exclamation point (!).
Dual Address Switch cDualAddrSwt If the input file contains dual addresses (one a conventional address, a second containing a PO Box address), this field determines what order to use to process and match the addresses. If the selected address is valid, processing stops. If the selected address does not validate, Finalist will attempt to code the secondary address.
Assign LOT cAssignLOT Indicates whether Finalist assigns Line of Travel (LOT) codes.
Process LOT Only cProcessLOTOnly Determines whether Finalist performs only eLOT processing.
R777 Deliverable cR777Deliverable Determines whether Finalist performs Carrier Route code R777 processing.
CASS Standardize Case cStandardCase Indicates whether to return addresses in all upper, all lower, or mixed upper and lower case. This field affects the address coding output only. It does not affect the database APIs (APIs prefixed with PBCS). The database APIs always return upper case data.
Return Input Firm cRetInputFirm This field determines whether Finalist returns the input firm.
No. Exception Tbl Entries cMaxExcpTblEntries This field determines the maximum number of exception table entries.
Process Firms cProcessFirms Determines whether Finalist performs firm processing.
Beginning Frame Char cBegFrame Indicates the character to use for the front framing character for advanced barcodes. If you do not specify a character for BegFrame or EndFrame, Finalist uses the exclamation point (!).
Return DPBC cRetDPBC Indicates whether Finalist returns delivery point barcodes.
Return Alias Street Name cRetAliStName This field indicates whether Finalist returns alias street names in the label line. An alias street name is an alternate name for a street, maintained at the ranged Plus4 ZIP Code level.
Padded String Data cPaddedStringData If you are using a platform or coding language (for example, COBOL) that does not support null terminated strings, you will need to pad all fields with blanks. This field indicates whether you will be using input/output fields that are padded with blanks or null terminated.
All Street Matching cAllStreetMatching Determines whether Finalist performs All Street Matching (ASM) processing.
Convert Secondary to PMB cConvertSecPMB Determines whether Finalist converts input address secondary information to "PMB" under specific conditions.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 3 - PBFNSetupDef Fields
Exception Table Filename cExceptionTblFileName Exceptions Table file name and path.
EWS Filename cEWSFileName Early Warning System (EWS) file name and path.
LOT Filename cLOTFileName Line of Travel (LOT) file name and path.
DPV Filepath cDPVFilePath Delivery Point Validation (DPV) File path.
RDI Filepath cRDIFilePath Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) File path.
LACSLink Filepath cLACSLinkFilePath LACSLink File path.
SuiteLink Filepath cSuiteLinkFilePath SuiteLink File path.
Early Warning System cAssignEWS This field indicates whether Finalist will perform Early Warning System (EWS) processing.
Delivery Point Validation cAssignDPV Indicates whether Finalist performs Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing.
Note: The USPS CASS regulations require Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing to generate the USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report).
DPV Shutdown Indicator cDPVShutdownIndicator Action to take when encountering a DPV Seed during the processing run.
DPV Tie Break cAssignDPVTie Indicates whether to use DPV tie break processing.
Note: The USPS CASS regulations require DPV Tie Break processing to generate the USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report).
DPV Vacant Table cAssignDPVVacant Indicates whether Finalist uses the Vacant Table and returns the proper Vacant code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the Vacant Table into memory or uses the Vacant Table outside of memory.
DPV NoStat Table cAssignDPVNoStat Indicates whether Finalist uses the No-Stat Table and returns the proper No-Stat code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the No-Stat Table into memory or uses the No-Stat Table outside of memory.
DPV PBSA Table cAssignDPVPBSA Indicates whether Finalist uses the PBSA Table and returns the proper PBSA code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the PBSA Table into memory or uses the PBSA Table outside of memory.
DPV DNA Table cAssignDPVDNA Indicates whether Finalist uses the Door Not Accessible (DNA) Table and returns the proper DNA code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the DNA Table into memory or uses the DNA Table outside of memory.
DPV Throwback Table cAssignDPVTHRWBK Indicates whether Finalist uses the DPV Throwback Table and returns the proper Throwback code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the DPV Throwback Table into memory or uses the DPV Throwback Table outside of memory.
DPV NSL Table cAssignDPVNSL Indicates whether Finalist uses the DPV No Secure Location (NSL) Table and returns the proper NSL code. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the NSL Table into memory or uses the NSL Table outside of memory.
DPV Buffer Size cDPVBufSize Indicates the memory model for DPV processing.
DPV CMRA TABLE cAssignCMRA This field indicates whether Finalist will perform CMRA processing. Also indicates whether Finalist loads the CMRA Table into memory or uses the CMRA Table outside of memory.
LACSLink cAssignLACSLink This field determines whether Finalist performs LACSLink processing.
Note: The USPS CASS regulations require LACSLink processing. If you do not perform LACSLink processing, Finalist does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).
LACSLink Memory cLACSLinkProcessing Indicates the memory model for LACSLink processing:
Residential Delivery Indicator cAssignRDI This field indicates whether Finalist will perform Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) processing.
PreciselyID processing cAssignPreciselyID This field indicates whether Finalist will perform PreciselyID processing.
SuiteLink cAssignSuiteLink This field indicates whether Finalist will perform SuiteLink processing.
SuiteLink Small Memory Flag cSuiteLinkSmallMem Indicates the memory model for SuiteLink processing:
SuiteLink Shutdown Indicator cSuiteLinkShutdown Action to take when encountering a SuiteLink processing error during the processing run.
Return SLK Input Secondary cRetSLKinputSecdry Action to take when an input secondary is provided that does not match the SuiteLink returned information.
Report Filename cRptFileName Address Detail Report output file name.
Report Title cRptTitle Report title for the Address Detail Report.
Detail Report Page Length lAddrDtlRptIsolPageLen Maximum page length for the Address Detail Isolation Report.
Detail Report Max Records lAddrDtlRptIsolMaxRec Maximum number of records to output to the Address Detail Isolation Report.
Detail Report Nth Records lAddrDtlRptIsolNthRec This field indicates the records to print on the Address Detail Isolation Report (for example., every 8th record).
I/O Report Option cAddrDtlRptType Indicates whether to print the Address Detail Report.
Isol Report Option cAddrDtlRptIsol Indicates whether to print the Address Detail Isolation Report.
Sugg Report Option cAddrDtlRptSugg Indicates whether to print the Address Detail Suggestion Report.
Info Report Option cAddrDtlRptInfo This field indicates whether to print the Address Detail Information Report.
Log Filename cLogFileName Log File Name.
Log Level cLogLevel This field indicates the level of the message logged.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 4 - PBFNStatsDef Fields
Input Filename ListFileName ListFileName field of the PBFNReportData structure.
Batch Start Time lStartTime The lStartTime is initialized when PBFNInit function is called and when PBFNStats is called with PBFNReset set to TRUE. Time equals the seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), December 31, 1899, Universal Coordinated Time, according to the system clock.
Batch End Time lStopTime The value is set when the PBFNTerminate function is called. Time is the seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), December 31, 1899, Universal Coordinated Time, according to the system clock.
Total Process Time lElapsedTime Seconds elapsed since first address assignment and the most recent address assignment.
Oldest Process Date lOldProcDate If the Assign Unassign Records value is set to a value other than OFF in either the PBFNSetupDef structure or the PBFN.CFG file, this value is the oldest process date (cProcessDate) encountered. Otherwise it contains a 0 (zero).
Assigned without Correction lTotalAssigned minus lTotalCorrected Total address records assigned without correction.
Assigned with Correction lTotalCorrected Total address records corrected.
No match or Uncorrectable lTotalNotAssigned Total number of records that did not code.
Total Records Processed lTotalProcessed Total address records processed or presented to PBFNProcess.
Total Zip Codes Assigned lTotalZipsAssigned Total ZIP Codes assigned.
Total Carrier Routes Assigned lTotalCrrt Total number of carrier routes assigned.
Total ZIP+4 Codes Assigned lTotalZ4Assigned Total ZIP + 4 Codes assigned.
Total records with LACS indicator lTotalLacs Total number of records assigned a LACS indicator.
Total LOT Assigned lTotalLOTAssigned Total number of records assigned Line of Travel (LOT) codes.
Total RDI Identified lTotalRDI Total number of records assigned a Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI).
Total Valid But Undeliverable Addresses on AMS (4600) lTotalNonDeliverable Total number of undeliverable addresses.
Total ZIP+4 Suppressed due to DPV Failure (4601) cNonDeliverableInd (PBFNAddressDataDef) Total number of addresses that failed Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing.
Total ZIP+4 Suppressed due to R777 Failure (4602) lR7
(PBFNDPVStatsDef) Total number of addresses where ZIP + 4 Code was not returned because address matched to an R777 record.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 5 - PBFNStatsDef Fields
Without Verification lCityStateZipMatches Total number of records matching on city, state, and ZIP Code when the option Assign Unassign Records is requested.
From City and State lCityStateMatches Total number of records matching on city and ZIP Code.
Ignoring Bad City lStateAndZipMatches + lStateOrZipMatches Total number of records with no City but State and/or ZIP Code were presented.
Total lLineItemTotal + lCityStateMatches + lStateOrZipMatches + lStateAndZipMatches Category total.
Highway Contracts lToCrrtHC Total number of Highway Contract carrier routes.
Post Office Boxes lToCrrtBox Total number of Post Office Box carrier routes.
Rural Routes lToCrrtRR Total number of Rural Route carrier routes.
All Others lToCrrtNorm Total number of default carrier routes, including street, general delivery and postmaster.
Total lToCrrtHC + lToCrrtBox + lToCrrtRR + lToCrrtNorm Category total.
ZIP+4 Codes Assigned To
Streets lTotalStreetLevel Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to streets.
PO Boxes lTotalPOBox Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to Post Office boxes.
High Rises lTotalHR Total number of high rises including defaults and secondary records.
Rural Routes lTotalRRHC Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to Rural Route and Highway Contract addresses.
Firms lTotalFirm Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to firms.
General Delivery lTotalGenDelPostMaster Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to general delivery.
Military lTotalMilitary Total number of ZIP + 4 Codes assigned to military ZIP Codes.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 6 - PBFNStatsDef Fields
4301 - No Street or Primary Name in Address lNoStreetDataFound Total number of address records without street data.
4399 - Blank Address Record lBlankAddressLineData Total number of address records with a blank address line.
4411 - No Primary Name Found lStreetNameNotFound Total number of address records where the street name was not found.
4412 - No Primary Names Ranked with Certainty lStreetSuggOnly Total records failed with suggested street records.
4421 - Invalid Range or House Number lInvalidRangeForStreet Total number of address records containing an invalid range for the street name.
4422 - Incorrect or Missing Directional lDirectionalError Total number of address records missing directionals or containing incorrect directionals.
4423 - Incorrect or Missing Suffix lSuffixError Total number of address records missing suffixes or containing incorrect suffixes.
4425 - Incorrect or Missing Suffix and Directional lSufxDirError The total number of address records missing both the suffix and directional or containing incorrect suffix and directional.
4450 - Missing Range lNoRangeProvided Total number of address records without a range.
4451 - Multiple Choice or Ambiguous Component Errors lMultipleChoiceFailure Total number of addresses that failed due to multiple choices for one or more address components. Each address component will be marked as multiple choice in the PBFNAddressDataDef structure (for example, duplicate street names, two or more directionals available with none on input, etc.).
4460 - EWS Failure lEWSFailure Total number of address records not matched because the records were found in the USPS Early Warning System (EWS) File.
4461 - LOT Errors lLOTFailure Total number of address records where LOT assignment failed. Address coded successfully but LOT code was not assigned.
4465 - Firm Only Match Failures lFirmFail Total number of records failed where the address required a firm. No firm was provided or the firm failed to match.
4466 - Secondary Only Match Failures lSecFail Total number of records failed where the address required secondary addresses (there is no default street address). No secondary was provided or the secondary did not match.
4467 - ZIP Move Failures lZipMove Total number of records failed where the address coded but was flagged for ZIP Move processing. The address failed to meet the final ZIP Move criteria. ZIP Move processing requires an exact match of street, suffix, and directional (both pre and post).
4500 - Other Errors lUnknownFailure Total number of records failed without a specific reason.
4101 - No City, State, and ZIP Code in Address lBlankCityLineData Total number of records without a city, state, or ZIP Code.
4102 - No ZIP Code and No City Name in Address lNoCityZipData Total number of records without city and ZIP Code.
4103 - No ZIP Code and No State Name in Address lNoStateZipData Total number of records without state or ZIP Code.
4211 - Invalid ZIP Code and no City Name in Address lBadZipNoCity Total number of records with an invalid ZIP Code and no City provided.
4212 - No ZIP Code and Invalid City Name in Address lBadCityNoZip Total number of records with an invalid City and no ZIP Code provided.
4213 - Invalid ZIP Code and Invalid City Name in Address lBadZipBadCity Total number of records with an invalid ZIP Code and an invalid city.
Total Nonassignment Codes Total of all of the 4xxx values. Category total.
Finalist Batch Report - Page 7
DPV Fields - PBFNDPVStatsDef Structure
Total Records Through DPV Processing lDPVInError + lDPVTypeYValid + lDPVTypeSValid + lDPVTypeDValid Number of addresses that were processed through DPV.
Total DPV Y Type lDPVTypeYValid Total records with delivery point validated.
Total DPV S Type lDPVTypeSValid Total records with valid primary range but secondary range is not confirmed.
Total DPV D Type lDPVTypeDValid Total records with a valid primary range but secondary range is missing.
Total DPV Not Validated lDPVInError Total records not delivery point validated.
Total DPV Vacant Found lDPVVacantFound Total records that matched to the Vacant table.
Total DPV No-Stat Found lDPVNoStatFound Total records that matched to the No-Stat table.
Total DPV PBSA Found lPB Total records that matched to the PBSA table.
Total DPV DNA Found lDPVDNAFound Total records that matched to the Door Not Accessible (DNA) table.
Total CMRA Found lCMRAValid Total records that matched to the CMRA table.
Total DPV Throwback Found lDPVTHRWBKFound Total records that matched to the P.O. Box Throwback table.
Total DPV NSL Found lDPVNSLFound Total records that matched to the No Secure Location (NSL) table.
LACSLink Fields - PBFNRtnLACSStatsDef Structure
Total Records Through LACSLink Processing lTotalProcessed Total number of records passed through LACSLink.
Total LACS Street not found ( ) lTotalProcessed - lTotalAMatches - lTotal00Matches - lTotal14Matches - lTotal92Matches - lTotal09Matches Total number of records passed to LACSLink but did not receive an assignment.
Total LACS Successful Conversion (A ) lTotalAMatches Total number of LACSLink matches with an assignment code of A.
Total No LACS Match (00) lTotal00Matches Total number of LACSLink matches with an assignment code of 00.
Total LACS Match Found But No Conversion (14) lTotal14Matches Total number of LACSLink matches with an assignment code of 14.
Total LACS Match Found With Unit (92) lTotal92Matches Total number of LACSLink matches with an assignment code of 92.
Total LACS Match High Rise Default (09) lTotal09Matches Total number of LACSLink matches with an assignment code of 09.
SuiteLink Fields - PBFNRtnSuiteLinkStatsDef Structure
Total Records Through SuiteLink Processing lTotalProcessed Total number of records processed through SuiteLink.
Total Successful SuiteLink Matches lTotalSuccessMatches Total number of records successfully matched by SuiteLink.
Total Successful SuiteLink Matches with Corrected Suites lTotalCorrectedSuite Total number of records processed by SuiteLink with suites corrected.
Total Records Through PreciselyID Processing lPreciselyIDAttempt Total number of records processed through PreciselyID.
Total PreciselyID 'Y' Matches lPreciselyIDY Total number of PreciselyID matches where PreciselyIDFound=Y (full address match).
Total PreciselyID 'D' Matches lPreciselyIDD Total number of PreciselyID matches where PreciselyIDFound=D (secondary range information dropped to find PreciselyID).