The Address Input/Output Report section displays your input address and the output address generated during Finalist processing. To print the Address Input/Output Report on the Address Detail Report, specify "ON" for "Address Detail Report Type" field in the Configuration File or "ON" for cAddrDtlRptType in the PBFNSetupDef structure.
Field | Description |
USERKEY | User key that identifies the address in the Address Detail Report. |
FIRM | Firm name associated with the address. |
URB | Urbanization name. |
ADDR1 | Information contained on the first address line. An asterisk (*) indicates the ADDR1 line was used as primary address line. |
ADDR2 | Information contained on the second address line. An asterisk (*) indicates the ADDR2 line was used as primary address line. |
CSZ | City, state, and ZIP Code. |
SS | ZIP + 4 code. |
CR | Carrier route code. |
COUNTY | County name. |
DP | Delivery point. |
ERROR | Any applicable error code. |