This section describes output exit processing including:
- Data passed to the exit routine on a call
- Processing after the exit routine returns control to the Finalist IMS program
The steps for a call to an output exit point are:
- You must process the desired address on the address lookup screen before actually executing the exit program. This includes a coding attempt through Finalist. A coding attempt is defined as an address displays on the address lookup screen, and the Enter key is pressed or the input exit routine returns an address and a return code of "00". The coding attempt builds the Finalist CALLAREA. This CALLAREA is part of the SPAAREA passed to the exit routine.
- Press the PF8 key to execute the output exit routine.
- The Finalist IMS system calls to the LPWNEX2 exit program and passes the WNDWS-EXIT-PASS-AREA described earlier.
- The LPWNEX2 program returns control to the On-Line Windows programs.
- A message displays the exit return code on the address lookup screen.
- The Address Lookup Screen displays with the original address and ADDR key data field left intact.