Output Exit Point - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Guide
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The exit points are coded as CICS links to the exit programs. These programs exist as small stubs when Finalist CICS is delivered. Each stub can be replaced in the load library by a user-written program of the same name. The programs are called by the system via a CICS link command to the following programs:

This section describes the output exit point including how the output exit point works, the data passed to the exit routine on a call, and the action taking place after the exit routine returns control to the Finalist program. The list shown next describes the steps for a call to the output exit point.

  1. You must process the address on the Address Lookup screen before actually executing the exit program. This includes a coding attempt through Finalist. A coding attempt is defined as either of the following:
    • An address is keyed into the Address Lookup screen and the Enter key is pressed.
    • The input exit routine returns an address and a return code of "00".

    The coding attempt builds the FINALIST CALLAREA. This CALLAREA is part of the COMMAREA passed to the exit routine. If the exit display security level (EXITDSL) is set for update, the field EXITPASS is updated from the address key field on the address lookup screen at this time.

  2. Press PF8 to execute the output exit routine.
  3. The Finalist system links to the LPWN510C exit program and passes the COMMAREA described in Using the Exit Programs.
  4. The LPWN510C program returns control to the Finalist programs.
  5. A message displays the exit return code on the Address Lookup screen.
  6. The read and clear PF keys, PF7 and PF10 respectively, are enabled. This occurs in case these keys were disabled by the require rewrite switch from the input exit.
  7. The exit return code initializes to character zeros.
  8. The four-byte, hidden pass-through area initializes to binary zeros.
  9. The Addr Key field on the Address Lookup screen is unlocked. This occurs in case the key was locked by the exit display security level from the input exit routine.
  10. The Address Lookup screen displays with the original address and Addr Key data left intact.