Using the Exit Programs - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Guide
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The exit points are coded as CICS links to the exit programs. These programs exist as small stubs when Finalist CICS is delivered. Each stub can be replaced in the load library by a user-written program of the same name. The programs are called by the system via a CICS link command to the following programs:

  • LPWN509C program for the input exit.
  • LPWN510C program for the output exit.

Both programs are passed a COMMAREA of the same format. The COMMAREA passed to the exit routines is defined in the source member LPWN020D (LPWN021D for COBOL) on the Finalist distribution. LPWN020D contains a copy statement for LPFNCL04 (copybooks LPFNCL01 for COBOL and LPFNCL04 for Assembler) that is a source member on the Finalist distribution.

Table 1. Exit COMMAREA Fields
Field Description
EXITRC (BYTES 01-02) Exit program return code
EXITDSL (BYTES 03-03) Display Security Level:

Forty bytes of the area passed between the input and the output exits are displayed for possible update on the address lookup screen in a field labeled "ADDR KEY". Display security level allows you to protect those 40 bytes as follows:

Code U-Allow update of the field

Code V-Only allow users to view the field

Code H-Hide the field entirely

(Any value other than "V" or "H" defaults to "U". See EXITPASS below.)

EXITREQW (BYTES 04-04) Require rewrite switch

Do not allow the user to execute the input exit a second time until the output exit has been called if the value of this field is "Y". This is accomplished by disabling the 'read' and 'clear' PF keys until the "save" PF key has been pressed.

EXITPAS4 (BYTES 05-08) User defined data - not updateable

This field is initialized to binary zeros when the output exit is called on an address not read from the input exit. Note that an address is considered to have been read if the input exit was executed and you have not hit the "write" or "clear" PF key. This is true even if the address is altered beyond recognition.

EXITPASS (BYTES 09-48) User defined data - passed from the input exit to the output exit.

This field also displays on the address lookup screen as "ADDR KEY" for update if it is not locked by the input exit.

If this field is not locked, it is updated from the address lookup screen. In this case, any bytes containing low values (X'00') are compressed out by CICS mapping. Significant characters to the right of the low value bytes shift left during compression. This causes a potential for inadvertent change.

If this field is locked against update, it is passed unchanged and no compression occurs.

FINALIST CALLAREA This field immediately follows the exit information defined above. This field's length and format are described in the Finalist Reference Guide. Distributed source members LPFNCL01 and LPFNCL04 map this area in COBOL and Assembler respectively. This same area is passed to Finalist and should be filled in by the input exit as for a call to Finalist. This area should be interpreted by the output exit as if it was returned directly from Finalist.