Finalist Batch Driver Return Codes - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
Product name
Finalist Guide
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The following table describes return codes you may encounter while processing with the Finalist batch driver.

Table 1. Finalist Batch Driver Return Codes
Return Code Message Description
0 processComplete Processing completed without errors.
1 logFileNameTooLong Filename specified by the -L option on the command line was more than 256 characters long.
2 configFileNameTooLong Filename specified by the -G option on the command line was more than 256 characters long.
3 jobFileNameTooLong Filename specified by the -J option (or defaulted as the first command line parameter) was more than 256 characters long.
4 noJobFileDefined No job file name was specified. Either the command line parameters were blank or no -J option was specified.
5 pbfnInitFailed Finalist initialize process failed. Refer to the log.txt (SYSOUT DD on the mainframe) for details.
6 pbfnTermFailed Finalist termination process failed. Refer to the log.txt (SYSOUT DD on the mainframe) for details.
7 pbfnInfoFailed Finalist information call process failed. Refer to the log.txt (SYSOUT DD on the mainframe) for details.
8 loadJobFailed Finalist JOB file could not be processed. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
9 overlayNotOkay The Finalist JOB requested OVERLAY processing but this was not confirmed during the run.
10 cantOpenLogFile Finalist LOG file could not be opened. Refer to stderr (SYSPRINT DD on the mainframe) for details.
11 cantOpenJobFile Finalist JOB file could not be opened. Refer to stderr (SYSPRINT DD on the mainframe) for details.
12 loadDbaseDefsFailed The Finalist access of the Dbase file did not match the DEF file. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
13 loadDefsFailed The Finalist DEF file could not be processed. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
14 delimitedFieldOverlap The fields defined in the DEF files overlap each other. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
15 jobFileContentsBad An error occurred processing the JOB options specified. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
16 addrLineInitFailed An error occurred during initialization processing. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
17 processFailed An error occurred during the Finalist PBFNProcess call. Refer to the Finalist run log file for details (Log Filename in the pbfn.cfg (PBFNCFG) file).
18 cantWriteLog The Finalist batch driver log file could not be opened. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) or stderr for details.
19 pbfnResetStatsFailed An error occurred during a call to PBFNStats. Refer to the Finalist log file (Log Filename in the pbfn.cfg (PBFNCFG) file).
20 initAddrFailed An error occurred during initialization processing. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
21 invalidFileType An invalid file type was specified in the JOB file. Refer to the Finalist batch log file (JOBLOG DD on the mainframe) for details.
22 cantOpenSeedLogFile The Finalist engine could not open the log file to report a DPV or LACSLink seed violation. Refer to the Finalist run log file for details (Log Filename in the pbfn.cfg (PBFNCFG) file).