To set up batch driver processing, follow these steps to identify the format of the data to process.
If a file contains binary data, you must specify an input record size (cRecSz) and an output record size (cRecSzOut).
Note: ASCII files with binary data can only be processed if they are processed with a file type of ASCIIFIXED. In this case, all records must be the same length (not variable defined by CRLF). If an ASCII file contains a CR or LF or both, but is processed as ASCIIFIXED, the input and output record sizes must include the CR or LF fields in the length specification.
- If each record terminates with a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair, set the Job file setting cInputFileType to ASCIICRLF.
If each record contains a fixed number of bytes (no CR/LF at the end of each record):
- For z/OS, use the Job file setting cInputFileType=MFFIXED.
- For all other platforms, use the Job file setting cInputFileType=ASCIIFIXED.
- Set the Job file keyword cRecsz to be the number of bytes that each address record occupies.
Are the fields within each record delimited (separated) by a specific character (for example, a tab)?
- Use the Job file setting cInputFileType=DELIMITED.
Use the Job file setting for cDELIMITER based on your delimiter character as shown next.
cDelimiter=X (where X is any single character value)
cDelimiter=XX (where XX is the hexadecimal value of the character)
cDelimiter = 0xXX (where XX is the hexadecimal value of the character)
cDelimiter = x'XX' (where XX is the hexadecimal value of the character)
Refer to the sample files named DELIMITED.* for an example of a data file where the fields are delimited by the tab character. Note that for delimited data files, overlaying the original data in place is not allowed, so you must specify one or more output files in the Job file via the fOutAllFile, fOutValidFile, and fOutErrorsFile keywords in order to obtain the results of postal coding your data.
The Windows sample data file DELIMITD.TXT is delimited by the tab character. The sample Job file DELIMITD.JOB uses the setting DELIMITER=09 (09 is the hexadecimal value for the ASCII tab character).
- Are the records in a dbase file? If yes, use the Job file setting cInputFileType=DBASE
Specify the post processing options for the Finalist return data.
To indicate whether to overlay the input record with the Finalist return data, specify the appropriate OVERLAY Job file setting option (jOverlay=YES or jOverlay=NO).
You will receive an error message and your job will fail if you try to use the jOverlay option on the z/OS platform. The jOverlay option is not supported on the z/OS platform.
- To indicate whether to add the Finalist return data to the input record, specify the appropriate ATTACH Job file setting option (jAttach=YES or jAttach=NO).
To indicate whether to overlay the input record with the Finalist return data, specify the appropriate OVERLAY Job file setting option (jOverlay=YES or jOverlay=NO).