The {OPTIONS} section contains keywords that are used to indicate the actions required during processing. Note that in the Keyword column below, a vertical bar ('|') is used to separate possible value for each keyword.
The following table describes keywords that can be defined in the {OPTIONS} section.
Keyword | Description |
cAddrScan=YES | NO | AddrScan Return Line Option | Indicates whether to perform
AddrScan processing. For more information on AddrScan processing, refer to
AddrScan Option. This
keyword is generally only valid when block-style address keywords are specified
in the Definition file (iL1, iL2, iL3, etc.). This keyword is generally only
valid when block-style address keywords are specified in the Definition file
(iL1, iL2, iL3, etc.). However: If you specify iFirm, AddrScan processes with the SkipFirm option. If you specify iCity, AddrScan processes with the SkipCSZ option. If you specify iURB, AddrScan processes with the SkipURB option. Valid values are:
cCase=U | L | M | Indicates whether to return addresses in all upper, all lower, or mixed upper and lower case.
cCassMode=YES | NO | Indicates whether you want to process in a CASS-certified mode.
cOverlayCheck=ON | OFF | Indicates whether you want to prevent overlapping field specifications.
cStartAft=(start after value) | Indicates how many records in the input file to bypass before beginning address processing. The driver will skip the number of records specified here prior to processing. Valid values are 0 through 99,999,999. The default value is zero. |
cStopAft=(stop after value) | Indicates the number of the last record to process. Valid values are 1 through 99,999,999 and EOF. If you specify EOF, the driver will process through the last record in the file. The default value is EOF. |
cVerboseCount=[count] | Indicates the number of records to process before generating progress status messages. For example, if you specify "100", every 100th record, starting with 1, produces the message: Processing record XXX ...DDD MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY For Windows, the message overlays each preceding instance as processing progresses. If you specify "0", no messages are produced. Windows, Linux, and Unix systems can also prevent the message with the command line option -q. The default value for Windows, Linux, and Unix systems is 1. The default value on the mainframe is 0. |
jAddrScanAO=(AddrScan addressing options) | Defines the AddrScan addressing options:
jAttach=YES | NO | Defines whether or not the processed and corrected data will be attached to your original data. Valid values are described next.
jOverlay=YES | NO | Defines whether or not your original data will be overlaid with the corrected results. This selection updates a file in place. You will receive an error message and your job will fail if you try to use the jOverlay option on the z/OS platform. The jOverlay option is not supported on the z/OS platform.
rListProcessorName=(list processor name) | If you want to enter a list processor's name, use this keyword to enter a list processor's name to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerAddress=(mailer address) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter the street address to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerAddress2=(mailer address) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter additional street address information to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerAddress3=(mailer address) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter additional street address information to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerAddress4=(mailer address) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter additional street address information to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerCity=(mailer city) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter the mailer city, state, and ZIP Code to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
rMailerName=(mailer name) | If you want to CASS certify under your own company name, use this keyword to enter the mailer name to appear on the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report). |
cRecsz=(record size value) | Allows you to indicate the size (in bytes) of each input record within your input file if each record within your input file is not followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair. This field defaults to a value of CR/LF, indicating that each record is followed by a carriage return/line feed pair. If your records do not end with a CR/LF, you must specify a number in the range of 1 to 32,767 inclusive. If you put an incorrect value here, it will result in the improper reading of input records. |
cRecszOut=(record size value) | Allows you to indicate the size (in bytes) of each output record. This keyword is only valid for fixed length records. |
cInputFileType=ASCIICRLF | ASCIIFIXED | DELIMITED | DBASE | MFFIXED | This keyword is required, and indicates what type of input data you have.
cDelimiter=COMMA | TAB | X | xx (where xx is the hexadecimal value of the character) | Indicates the delimiting character when the fields within each of your data records are delimited by a specific character. There is no default value for this keyword. Valid values are described next.
cXTern=YES | NO | Defines whether to attach 250 bytes
of additional information codes to your output file. This parameter was
designed for use with the Precisely VeriMove move update product. For more
information, refer to Precisely VeriMove Move Update Product Information Codes.