Format Two: Address Component Keyword Definitions - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Guide
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If the address information in your data records contains a high level of detail, format two is the preferred method of processing. Having component level address data gives you the option of directly replacing data within the input record with corrected address data via the jOverlay option. This eliminates the need for customized post-processing applications to analyze the output file(s) in order to determine how the data file should be updated.

Note: When passing information to the batch driver, you must provide enough information for Finalist to code addresses. This information can consist of a single combined address line or a parsed range and street name (additional components may also be necessary). Last line requirements are a combined city state line, or the City and State, or the ZIP Code.

If the batch driver detects a field that begins with iPars, the batch driver will process the entire address with only parsed address components. Combined address components like iAddress1 will be ignored. Conversely, if no fields are found that begin iPars, the batch driver will process the entire address using non-parsed address components like iAddress1.

If the batch driver is processing non-parsed addresses and no secondary field information is given (iUnit, iUnit2, iPMUnit), the output information will be combined with the oAddress1 field.

The following table describes the keywords for a Definition File Layout using component keywords for processing. Keywords are not case-sensitive. The maximum length for all allocated fields is 255 bytes.

Table 1. Definition File Layout Using Component Keywords
Definition Keywords Description Recommended
; Comment line. Indicated by a semicolon (;) in column one. Semicolon must begin in column one for comment lines.  
; Finalist Definition File. Comment. Enter a description of the file.  
; Created by: Comment. Enter your name and date created.  
; Input file=Inputfile.def Comment. Specifies the name of the file being defined.  
[INPUT] Identifies the start of the field definition keywords. Recommended length is 7 characters exactly as shown.  
iAddress1=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input street address. 70
iAddress2=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the second input address line. 70
iCity=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input city name. 28
iCrrt=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input carrier route. 4
iUserKey Identifies the position [x] and length [y] of user key to identify this address in Finalist detail reports. 40
iFirm=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input firm name. 40
iParsPMUnitDesignator=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed PMB/MSC unit designator. 3
iParsPMUnitNum=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed PMB/MSC unit number. 10
iParsPostDir=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the parsed postdirectional. 2
iParsPreDir=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed predirectional. 2
iParsRange=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed range. 10
iParsStreetName=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed street name. 28
iParsStreetSuffix=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed street suffix. 4
iParsUnit2Designator=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed unit 2 designator. 4
iParsUnit2Num=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed second unit number. 8
iParsUnitDesignator=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed unit designator. 4
iParsUnitNum=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input parsed unit number. 8
iPMUnit=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input PMB or MSC unit. 14
iProcessDate=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input process date. 4
iState=x,y Identifies starting position (x) and length of the input state. 2
iUnit=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input unit. 13
iUnit2=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input unit 2. 13
iUrban=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input urbanization name. 28
iZip=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input ZIP Code. 5
iZip4=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the input ZIP + 4 code. 4

The following output (o) fields are valid for either input format specified above.

Table 2. Definition File Output Field Component Keywords
Definition Keywords Description Recommended
o5DigitBarCode=x,y Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the 5-digit barcode. 8
o5DigitScheme=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the 5-digit combined ZIP Code. 5
oAbbrCityName=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output abbreviated city name. 13
oAddress1=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output street address. 70
oAddress2=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the second output address line. 70
oAdsInfo=x,y: a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output address information codes (PBFNAddressDataDef structure).
Note: The address information codes are binary data and extreme caution should be used when using CRLF or delimited files as the binary data may appear as the delimiter or line ending characters. FIXED records are recommended. COBOL cannot easily manipulate bit values. An interrogation routine like PBITBYTE is recommended for ease of use in a COBOL.
oAdvancedBarCode=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output advanced barcode. 14
oAltStreetName=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output alternate street name. 28
oAltStreetType=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output alternate street type. 1
oAutoCR=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Auto CRRT indicator. 1
oCity=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output city name. 28
oCongressDist=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output congressional district. 2
oCountyName=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output county name. 25
oCrrt=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output carrier route. 4
oDefaultMatch=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output default match flag. 1
oDelivpt=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output delivery point code. 3
oDPBCCheckDigit=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Bar Code check digit 1
oDPVCMRA=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output DPV CMRA indicator flag. 1
oDPVFalsePositive=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output DPV False Positive flag. 1
oDpvFlags=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) flags. 3
oDpvFootNote=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) footnote codes. 12
oDpvNoStat=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) No-Stat return code. 1


Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) vacant return code.



Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) PBSA return code.


oDPVDNA=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Door Not Accessible (DNA) return code. 1
oDPVNSL=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) No Secure Location (NSL) return code. 1
oDPVThrowback=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Delivery Point Validation (DPV) P.O. Box Throwback return code. 1
oDPVNoStatRC=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the DPV NoStat Reason Code. 1
oDPVNDD=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the DPV Non-Delivery Days found. 1
oDPVNDDDays=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the DPV Non-Delivery Days values (Sat-Sun). 7
oDPVDrop=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the DPV Drop code found. 1
oDPVEnhancedRC=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the DPV Enhanced Reason Code. 1
oError=x,y; a[,y]=x,y,a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output error code. 4
oEWSFailure=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output EWS Failure flag (contains a 'Y' if address failed as a result of EWS processing). 1
oExtra=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Extra Data field. 70
oFips=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output FIPS code. 5
oFirm=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output firm name. 40
oFullCityName=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output full city name. 28
oLacs=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output LACSLink indicator. 1
oLACSIndicator=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output LACSLink processing indicator:
Seed violation occurred.
Full LACSLink record match,
LACSLink attempt but no match condition (CASS Stage 2 LACS Indicator flag).
  • S —Unit record match.
oLLKS=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output LACSLink return code. 2
oLLKSD=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output LACSLink Seed detail. 70
oLot=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Line of Travel (LOT) code. 5
oLotAlpha=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output alpha portion of the LOT code. 1
oLRtnAddrLine1=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of return for the first label line. 70
oLRtnAddrLine2=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of return for the second label line. 70
oLRtnAddrLine3=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of return for the third label line. 70
oLRtnAddrLine4=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of return for the fourth label line. 70
oLRtnAddrLine5=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of return for the fifth label line. 70
oNonMailingCityName=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output nonmailing city name. 28
oMatchLevel=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output level of match flag. 1
oOriCity=x,y; a[,y]; Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output original city name. 28
oOriCrrt=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output carrier route code. 4
oOriState=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output original state. 2
oOriZip=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output original ZIP Code. 5
oOriZip4=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output original ZIP + 4 code. 4
oParsAltRange=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed alternate range. 10
oParsAltPreDir=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed alternate predirectional. 2
oParsAltPostDir=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed alternate postdirectional. 2
oParsAltSuffix=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed alternate suffix. 4
oParsPMUnitDesignator=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed PMB/MSC unit designator. 3
oParsPMUnitNum=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed PMB/MSC unit number. 10
oParsPostDir=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed postdirectional. 2
oParsPreDir=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed predirectional. 2
oParsRange=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed range. 10
oParsStreetName=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed street name. 28
oParsStreetSuffix=x,y;a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed street suffix. 4
oParsUnit2Designator=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed unit 2 designator. 4
oParsUnit2Num=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed second unit number. 8
oParsUnitDesignator=x,y,a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed unit designator. 4
oParsUnitNum=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output parsed unit number. 8
oPreciselyID=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position(x) and length(y) of the output PreciselyID field. 12
oPreciselyIDFound=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position(x) and length(y) of the output PreciselyIDFound field. 1
oPMUnit=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output PMB or MSC unit. 14
oPOBoxZone=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output P. O. Box Zone flag. 1
oPreferredCityName=x,y;a[,y] Identifies the position [x] and length [y] of the output preferred city name.

For successfully-coded addresses, the oPreferredCityName and oPreferredState fields are always be populated.

For non-coded addresses, the oPreferredCityName and oPreferredState fields are populated for the following scenarios:

  • ZIP Code only input (city not input, or not found)
  • Single ZIP Code city input (ZIP Code not input, or not found)
  • City/St/ZIP Code input and agree (ZIP Code is part of city)

For all other non-coded scenarios, the preferred fields will be blank.

oPreferredState=x,y;a[,y] Identifies the position [x] and length [y] of the output preferred state.

For successfully coded addresses, the oPreferredCityName and oPreferredState fields are always populated.

For non-coded addresses, the oPreferredCityName and oPreferredState fields are populated for the following scenarios:

  • ZIP Code only input (city not input, or not found)
  • Single ZIP Code city input (zip not input, or not found)
  • City/St/ZIP Code input and agree (zip is part of city)

For all other non-coded scenarios, the preferred fields will be blank.

oPreLACSAddress=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the original input address that was passed to LACSLink and LACSLink converted. 70
oProcessDate=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output process date. 4
oRdi=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Residential Delivery Indicator. 1
oSeasonalFlag=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output seasonal flags. 12
oSlkRtnCode=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the SuiteLink return code. 2
oSlkMatchCode=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the SuiteLink match code. 1
oSlkMatchFidelityCode=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the SuiteLink fidelity code. 1
oState=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies starting position (x) and length of the output state. 2
oStreetType=x,y;a[,y] Identifies the position [x] and length [y] of the output street type field. 1
oUnit=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output unit. 13
oUnit2=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output unit 2. 13
oUrban=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output urbanization name. 28
oXTern=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output Precisely VeriMove move update product external CASS indicator. 250
oZip=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output ZIP Code. 5
oZip4=x,y; a[,y]; o Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output ZIP + 4 code. 4
oZIPValid=x,y; a[,y] Identifies the position (x) and length (y) of the output ZIPValid flag. 1

The attach/overlay options are described next.

Table 3. Attach/Overlay Options
Overlay/Attachment Option Description
x,y x=position, y=length

This option allows you to specify the location for placement of an output field.

For example, oFirm=1,28 indicates the output Firm field should be placed in position 1 of the output record for a length of 28.
a[,y] a=attach, [y]=optional length

This option allows you to specify the placement length for an output field that is to be attached to the end of the input record.

For example, oFirm=a,28 indicates that the output Firm field will be attached to the end of the input record for a length of 28 characters.
a a=attach

This option provides you with the ability to attach individual fields to the end of your input record.

This option attaches only the designated output field to the end of the input record.

For example, oFirm=a indicates the output Firm field will be attached to the end of the input record.

o o=overlay

This option provides you with the ability to overlay individual fields over corresponding fields in your input record.

This option overlays only the designated output field over the corresponding input field. This option is only available if a corresponding input field has been specified and you have specified jOverlay=NO.

For example, oFirm=o indicates that the output Firm field will overlay the input Firm field (provided you have specified a corresponding iFirm field).
Figure 1. Overlay Processing

During overlay processing (jOverlay=YES), the keywords define the input and output locations. The driver overlays input information with corrected data on successful verification.

You can perform overlay processing at the field level when you have specified jOverlay=NO. The field level overlay option allows you to overlay a specified output field over the corresponding input field. For example, oFirm=o indicates that the output Firm field will overlay the input Firm field (provided you have specified a corresponding iFirm field).

Note: Proceed with caution when selecting jOverlay=YES processing until fully tested to avoid losing your original address information.
Figure 2. Attach Processing

During attach processing (jAttach=YES), the keywords are only used as reference for input to the driver program. The resulting information is attached to each input record and the new record is written to a separate output file as indicated in the Job File. Definition Files in this format can be constructed by the Finalist Workbench, which is distributed with the Windows product.