To define the output for your batch job, follow these steps:
- To identify the returned data options and the path and filenames for the output files for your Job File (.job), from the Batch Job Set Up dialog box, select the Output tab.
- In the Output File field (optional), enter the name of the Output File that will contain all records passed to the driver. Click on the Browse button (located to the right of the field) to open a dialog box to specify a path and file name for the Output File.
- In the Valid File field (optional), enter the name of the file to contain all records passed to the driver that were successfully coded. Click on the Browse button (located to the right of the field) to open a dialog box to specify a path and file name for the Valid File.
- In the Errors File (optional), enter the name of the file to contain all records passed to the driver that failed coding attempts. Click on the Browse button (located to the right of the field) to open a dialog box to specify a path and file name for the Errors File.
To overwrite your original input file with the processing
results of the driver program, click Overlay Option. For information on overlay
processing, refer to "Overlay Processing"in Format Two: Address Component Keyword Definitions.
Note: Proceed with caution when selecting overlay processing to avoid losing your original address information.
To have the driver program write the returned information and a copy of the original input record to a separate output file, click Attach Option. The driver writes the information in the following order:
1. Original input record
2. Processing results
3. Error code
For detailed information on attach processing, refer to "Attach Processing" in Format Two: Address Component Keyword Definitions.
- To return data in the Precisely VeriMove format, click FT CASS Option.
To prevent an output field from overlaying an input field unless the output and input field formats are identical, click OverlayCheck. If OverlayCheck is set to ON (default value), the Finalist driver ensures that output fields do not overlay input fields.
To create an output file with a format that is not identical to the format of the input file, turn off OverlayCheck. If OverlayCheck is set to OFF, the output file is initially blank and then only populated by output fields specified in the corresponding job definition (DEF) file.
For detailed information on OverlayCheck processing, refer to cOverlayCheck in the {OPTIONS} Section.