Defining Process Options - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

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Data Quality - Postals
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Finalist Guide
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To define your Finalist processing options, click the Process tab.

  1. To process in a CASS-certified mode, click CASS Flag. If you process in a CASS-certified mode, Finalist checks expiration dates for bases and engines. The cCASSMode field in the Job Definition File (.job file) should also be set to YES in order to generate the USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).

    NOTE: If CASS Flag = ON and a conflicting option is encountered (Configuration, Assign CR, Return DPBC, LACSLink=OFF, SuiteLink=OFF, or DPV=OFF), a warning message is written to the log file indicating that CASS has been forced off and the reason for CASS being forced off. The message is similar to:

    Warning Message;CASS forced off: CASS Configuration, Return DPBC, Assign CR, Assign SuiteLink, Assign LACSLink, Assign DPV
  2. In the Assign Carrier Routes field, click Assign Carrier Routes.
  3. If you are using a platform or coding language that does not support null terminated strings and you need to pad all fields with blanks, click Padded String Data. This field indicates whether you will be using input/output fields that are padded with blanks or null terminated.
  4. To assign Line of Travel (LOT) codes to your file, click Assign LOT.
  5. To indicate your input data is in an all uppercase format, click Uppercase Input.
  6. To performs only eLOT processing, click Process Lot Only. If you choose to perform only eLOT processing, Finalist does not perform address cleansing. A fully-coded address record is passed to the engine and Finalist performs an eLOT lookup and returns the eLOT code.
  7. To remove noise characters (unnecessary punctuation and blanks) during Finalist processing, click Remove Noise Chars.
  8. To indicate that only previously unassigned or expired addresses should be postal coded in batch mode, click Assign Unassign Records. For more information on the process unassigned records option, see the section "PBFNSetupDef" in your Finalist Reference Guide.
  9. To perform normal CASS-certified processing of firms, click Process Firms. If you do not store firm names, or are not interested in matching to a firm level (for non-CASS mode processing only), do not select this option. Finalist will not load or use the firm portion of the database to improve performance.
  10. To return abbreviated city names in label lines, click Assign Abbreviated City.
  11. To return the input firm, click Return Input Firm.
  12. To return delivery point barcodes, click Return DPBC.
  13. To perform All Street Matching (ASM) processing, click All Street Matching. All Street Matching (ASM) applies additional matching logic to correct errors in street names and obtain a match. ASM provides the best address validation but may reduce performance. ASM processing is available for U.S. addresses only.
  14. To count Carrier Route R777 addresses as deliverable, click R777 Deliverable.
  15. To convert secondary information to PMB where appropriate, click Convert Sec to PMB.
  16. In the Return SLK Input Secondary field, from the drop down list, select the method to use for returning secondary information when SuiteLink secondary information is available.
    • B — Both. Return both SuiteLink and input secondary information. (This is the Default).
    • S — SuiteLink. Return SuiteLink secondary only. Do not return input secondary.
    • I — Input. Return input secondary only. Do not return SuiteLink secondary.
    • N — None. Do not return SuiteLink secondary or input secondary.
    • Blank — Defaults to B.
      Note: If SuiteLink processing does not result in a match, Finalist ignores this option and returns the normal address output. Regardless of the option specified, the output ZIP + 4 is based on the match made using the SuiteLink secondary. Input secondary information includes the "#" designator for purposes of this option.
  17. In the Return Alias Street field, from the drop down list, select the method to use for returning alias street names. This field indicates whether Finalist returns alias street names. An alias street name is an alternate name for a street, maintained at the range Plus4 ZIP Code level.
    • ON - If the input address matches to an alias, return the alias. If the input address matches to a base address, but a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. If the input address matches to a base address and no Preferred alias exists, return the base address.
    • PXO - If a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. If no Preferred alias exists, but an Abbreviated alias exists, return the Abbreviated alias. If no Abbreviated or Preferred alias exists, but some other alias type was input, return the input alias. If none of these scenarios apply, return the base street name.
    • OFF | P — If a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. Otherwise, return the base street.
    • PX — If a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. If no Preferred alias exists, but an Abbreviated alias exists, return the Abbreviated alias. If neither exists, return the base street name.
    • XPO — If an Abbreviated alias exists, return the Abbreviated alias. If no Abbreviated alias exists, but a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. If no Abbreviated or Preferred alias exists, but some other alias does exist, return the alias. If no alias of any kind exists, return the base street name.
    • XP | X — If an Abbreviated alias exists, return the Abbreviated alias. If no Abbreviated alias exists, but a Preferred alias exists, return the Preferred alias. If neither exists, return only the base street name.
    • Blank — Defaults to OFF.
  18. In the Beginning Frame Char field, enter the character to use for the front framing character for advanced barcodes. If you do not specify a character for Beginning Frame Char or End Frame Char, Finalist uses the exclamation point (!).
  19. In the End Frame Char field, enter the character to use for the end framing character for advanced barcodes. If you do not specify a value here, the Beginning Frame character is used. If you do not specify a character for Beginning Frame Char or End Frame Char, Finalist uses the exclamation point (!).
  20. In the Suggestion Count field, enter the maximum number of returned suggestions allowed per address based on the specified suggestion criteria.
  21. In the Cache Size field, enter the number of buffers to use for internal caching.
    • 0 — Turn off internal caching for Finalist.
    • XX — Enter a value between 12-99 for the number of buffers used for internal caching. The default value for z/OS is 30. The default value for all other operating systems is 12.
  22. In the Dual Address field, from the drop down list, select the option to use when the input file contains dual addresses (one a conventional address, a second containing a PO Box address). This field determines what order to use to process and match the addresses. If the selected address is valid, processing stops. If the selected address does not validate, Finalist will attempt to code the secondary address. Valid values are:
    • ACZ — Above city and ZIP Code line. The address line closest to the last line in the address is given the highest priority in the match process. Any address line above the last line is not used for matching.
    • L12 — Line 1 in the dual address is given the highest priority in the match process.
    • L21 — Line 2 in the dual address is given the highest priority in the match process.
    • A — The conventional address is given the highest priority in the match process.
    • P — The PO Box address is given the highest priority in the match process.
    • 1ST — The first valid address (in the order Address line 1 and then Address line 2) is given the highest priority in the match process.

      When dual addresses are contained on a single line and you select CASS Flag, the USPS address type priority is used in the following order:

1. PO Box
2. Firm
3. Highrise
4. Street
5. Rural Route
6. General Delivery

  23. In the CASS Standardize Case field, select an option to indicate whether to return addresses in all upper, all lower, or mixed upper and lower case. This field affects the address coding output only. It does not affect the database APIs (APIs prefixed with PBCS). The database APIs always return upper case data.
    • U — Return addresses in all upper case.
    • L — Return addresses in all lower case.
    • Mixed — Return addresses in upper and lower case.
  24. In the Number Exception Table Entries field, enter the maximum number of exception table entries.
  25. Click Assign PreciselyID to perform PreciselyID processing.