Understanding AddrScan Output - Finalist - 10.0

Finalist Guide

Product type
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Data Quality - Postals
Product name
Finalist Guide
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The following list describes AddrScan processing output.

  • The original input returns left-justified and with only one blank between words.
  • Valid special characters are permitted:
' (single quote character)
, (comma)
    Note: The pound sign (#) is the only special character you can use to begin a word. All lower case alpha characters translate to upper case. All other special characters are blanked out.
  • AddrScan allows words such as APT, Apartment, Suite, or Condo, to be the first words in a line when identifying an apartment type line. FLOOR, FL, or FLR can be the first or last word. Apartment type lines can appear anywhere and combine with the street address line. Up to two apartment type lines will be combined with the address line.
  • AddrScan treats a one-word line as an apartment type line if the word is one of the following:
    • All numeric (12345)
    • A number that ends with a single alpha (5B)
    • A number that starts with a single alpha (C5)
    • A token that starts with an alpha, followed by a hyphen (-) followed by a number (D-5). By default AddrScan automatically concatenates these tokens to the address line.
  • ZIP + 4 Codes are always returned, with a hyphen, in the ZIP Code field.
  • If names, such as company and personal names, pass with the address line, AddrScan finds and returns the valid address and city/state lines.
  • Even if the street address and city lines are not in the proper order, AddrScan returns the valid address and city/state lines. However, within the input lines, the ZIP Code must follow the city/state data with a space between state and ZIP Code.
  • AddrScan includes tables that identify apartment, box, rural route, street, firms, and some Spanish words. These tables are used to identify the address lines.
  • AddrScan output includes the unUsedLines field that identifies the input lines that were not used during processing.