For cases where the FIRM, URB, or city/state information is fixed and only the address lines are floating, AddrScan provides advanced options that allow you to select specific fields to exclude from AddrScan processing.
The AddrScan advanced options are, by default, turned off. To activate the AddrScan advanced options (cNoMergeSecPMB, cSkipFirm, cSkipUrb, cSkipCSZ), follow these steps:
- Required. Set any position of ADDRPASS-TYPES or pAddrTyps to "A".
- Required. Set the version field, cVersion, to the current version number. Please refer to Addrscan.h or the ADDR021D COBOL copybook for the current version of ADDRSCAN.DLL.
- Optional. Set the desired option(s) to "S" (single character) to activate that option.