A greater number of objects exist in the EmergencyInfoPro aggregate layer than in the individual EMS, Fire, Police, and PSAP layers. The aggregate layer represents the smallest boundaries in which EMS, fire, police, and PSAP are the same across each layer.
The yellow areas in the following figures represent the EmergencyInfoPro aggregate layer in which EMS, fire, police, and PSAP are the same across each layer. In order to view the complete boundary of the primary fire AHJ (in which the EMS, police, and/or PSAP would differ), the red areas can be overlaid from the fire_emergencyinfo_pro_usa layer. Each red boundary from the fire_emergencyinfo_pro_usa layer shows contiguous coverage areas for fire AHJs being the primary contact point for alarm incidents in these locations.
The illustrations below show the EmergencyInfoPro aggregate layer (top) and overlay of Fire_EmergencyInfoPro layer (bottom):