This method involves opening the following individual layers in GIS software:
- ems_emergencyinfo_pro_usa
- fire_emergencyinfo_pro_usa
- police_emergencyinfo_pro_usa
- psap_emergencyinfo_pro_usa
Once the layers are loaded, find the business location in a map window and visualize each layer to find the boundaries of nearby EMS, fire, police, and PSAP agencies.
Unlike a single point query, this solution requires multiple query tool actions and logic to determine the appropriate entity to contact for each type of emergency. However, the full extents of each agency’s area of coverage are easily determined.
Note that for this sample location, a primary contact is not available in the EMS layer (there is an intentional hole in this layer). A primary contact can, however, be found in the PSAP layer for the location. This indicates that the PSAP is the primary contact and would be the appropriate agency to notify in the event of an EMS emergency.