One option is to query the EmergencyInfo Pro aggregate layer and use the contact information in fields prepended with EMS_, Fire_, and Police_. Syntax of a query for this location would be:
SELECT * from EmergencyInfoPro WHERE obj Intersects(CreatePoint(-71.474647,
Use the contact information for EMS, fire, and police from the fields prepended with the respective AHJ names (E_, F_, and PO_).
For this sample location, the PSAP is the primary contact and would be the appropriate agency to contact in the event of an EMS emergency. Note that if the ems_emergencyinfo_pro_usa layer, and not the aggregate layer, was visualized at this location, there would be an intentional hole. However, in the aggregate EmergencyInfoPro layer, EMS contact information is populated with PSAP contact information. In other words, the EMS fields reflect the PSAP contact information, since the PSAP has jurisdiction to handle the call. The EmergencyInfoPro aggregate layer eliminates the need for multiple query tool actions across each of the EMS, file, and police layers to arrive at a determination, which is the case in Option 2.