In the following tables, field names ending in _d represent destination values (split by origin area type, week part, and day part) and fields ending in _t represent total values (split by origin area type):
- Origin-Destination Unpivoted table
- Origin-Destination Unpivoted Week Part Totals table. The Origin-Destination Week Part Totals table provides a combined view of origin-destination data separated out by week part and origin area type.
- Origin-Destination Unpivoted Totals table. The Origin-Destination Totals table provides a combined day and week view of origin-destination data separated out by origin area type.
This release of the Seasonality tables (Australia Dynamic Demographics only) covers 2021 through 2023. The metrics in the tables reflect average values over these three years.
Australia Dynamic Demographics only contains a PreciselyID lookup table. PreciselyID is Precisely's unique and persistent identifier for addressable locations. Australia Dynamic Demographics is supplied with a PreciselyID lookup table to allow users to quickly integrate PreciselyID-enabled datasets with Australia Dynamic Demographics. Lookup data is provided at the full country level. The lookup table is located in the data > index folder of the Australia Dynamic Demographics product delivery file. It is named AUS_PreciselyID_Admin_lookup_YYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM represents the year and month of the address data vintage.