New in 9.2.2 - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Data360 DQ+
Product name
Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
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Note: This release applies to both cloud and enterprise editions of the product.

What's new

  • Case management email notification links: A new function, formatCaseViewURL, is now available when editing the javascript for a case state transition in workflow. This function produces a URL that will route the user to the desired search screen, filtered down to the single case that was transitioned. This improvement increases the productivity of case workers who are working cases via email notifications.
  • Records tab configuration for case view/edit: Previously, the system chose which data store search to show on the Records tab when viewing a case. With this enhancement, the Case Store builder can edit javascript on the View/Edit screen definition to choose which Data Store to show on the Records tab using any of the fields of the current case. This allows the Case Store builder to choose the most productive default for a case worker.
  • Hide or rearrange search screen columns: Currently, a case worker sees the result columns for a case or data store search screen as defined by the case definition. This enhancement allows the case worker to focus their results on the columns they need, in the order that they need them. This improves the productivity of the case worker.

Corrected issues

Issue Summary Issue Number
Regression test execution on all platforms, particularly multi-tenant Azure and ensure that execution and node counts are complete. Attach logs from Azure execution. ISX-11673
Support SSO authentication using SAML in Kubernetes deployments. ISX-21138
Fixed an issue where generating a schema and transformations from sample data for JSON was not correctly handling source names that contained unsupported field name characters such as a dash or an at sign (- or @). ISX-21222
Fixed an issue that prevents completion of the source configuration dialog in the Streaming Join node. ISX-21228