The Delete from Data Store Task node allows you to automate the deletion of content from a Data Store. By default, the node will delete all data from a Data Store; however, other options can be used to retain data the was loaded during specific load events or date ranges.
Specify a name for the node.
Data Store
Select the Data Store from which you want to delete data.
Data Deletion
- All Data - Deletes all data from the Data Store.
- All Data Before a Date - Deletes all data from a Data Store that was loaded into the Data Store prior to a specified date. A date can be specified by creating a Datetime variable in the node prior to the Delete From Data Store Task and setting that variable's value to the desired date. The variable can then be selected as the Delete Data Before Date Variable.
- All Data Except for Some Work IDs - Deletes all data from a Data Store that was loaded into the Data Store, except for data associated with specific loads, represented by Work IDs. Work IDs can be specified by creating variables in the node prior to the Delete From Data Store Task, or by referencing preexisting variables.
For example:
In this example, the Data Store that the Delete From Data Store Task applies to is the output of the Analysis that the Execute Stage Task applies to.
In this case, following execution of the Analysis, the Data Store would always only contain content that was loaded during the most recent run.
Output Variables
Optionally, define output variables to customize how the Process Model executes. For more information, see Process Model variables.