Edit Restriction - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Help

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Data360 DQ+
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Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Help
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Note: This tab is only available for internal database data stores.

The Edit Restriction tab allows you to restrict which data from an internal database data store certain users will be able to edit in data entry. They apply an expression to environment groups of users and only allow those users to edit certain records. Alternatively, Edit Restriction can use user profile fields.

Edit restriction example

By default, when no edit restrictions are applied to an internal database data store, all users with Read Data and Change Data permission to the data store will be able to edit all of its records, using the edit screens that have been designed for the data store. Adding an Edit Restriction will make it so that users in a selected environment group have more limited access to what they can edit.

For example, consider a situation where there is a status field in a data store, containing values such as Open, Closed and In Review and we only want users to be able to edit records that have an Open status. Additionally, suppose that there already exists an environment group of users named "Editors" to which we would like to apply this restriction.

To do so, we could create an edit restriction with the following expression and apply it to the editors environment group:

status = 'Open'

By default, this edit restriction would make it so that whenever users in the Editors environment group performed data entry on the data store, they would only be able to edit records with an Open status. Users not belonging to the Editors environment group would not be able to edit anything.

Once an edit restriction with an environment group assignment is applied, the default behavior is that users who are not part of that environment group will not be able to edit any records in the data store. Selecting Allow user to edit all data when there are edit filters but no matching edit filter is found for a user will reverse this behavior, allowing users who are not part of the Edit Restriction's environment group to edit all data in the data store.

Using an edit restriction with user profile fields

Alternatively, user profile fields may be used with edit restrictions. This type of set up works similarly as in query filters, and the Query Filter example could also be applied to an Edit Restriction. The only difference would be that the profile field look up would control what records users could edit, not which records they could view.