If you have been given permission to perform Data Entry and you have Read Data and Change Data permissions to at least one Internal Database Data Store, you can modify its records through the Data360 DQ+ UI. This functionality is found within the product's main menu, under Data Entry. Once Data Entry is selected, you will be able to select an Internal Database Data Store to search or modify.
Search the Data Store
When you have selected a Data Store to perform Data Entry on, you will be brought to a screen containing all of its Search screens. These Search screens will have been built by someone within your organization when the Internal Database Data Store was defined. The screens will contain Filter Fields, with which you can perform your search, and Result Fields, with which you will see the results of your search. Additionally, the results contained within the Result Fields will appear sorted, according to the Sort Fields that have been specified for the Data Store.
When you have chosen a Search Screen, you can use the top panel containing Filter Fields to perform your search. The results of your search will be displayed in the bottom panel, as defined by the Data Store's Result Fields and Sort Fields.
View records
When search results are returned in the bottom panel, you will have the option to View a record by selecting it and using the View button. Doing so will bring up the screen that has been defined as the Search Screen's Result View Screen in the Data Store definition. This screen will allow you to see the contents of whatever fields have been included in the Result View Screen. It will also contain a History of the record's activity, such as when it was created and if it has been edited.
Edit records
When search results are returned in the bottom panel, you will have the option to Edit a record by selecting it and using the Edit button. Doing so will bring up the screen that has been defined as the Search Screen's Result Edit Screen in the Data Store definition. This screen will allow you to edit the contents of whatever fields have been included in the Result Edit Screen.
Inline editing
If a Result field has been defined as Editable, you can double click its cell's value to perform inline editing. This will enable you to quickly change records without having to use the record's Edit screen.
Edit restrictions
When an Internal Database Data Store is defined, an Edit Restriction may be applied to it. The Edit Restriction can be used to prevent certain users from editing certain records. If you find that there are records that you are unable to edit, it may be because an Edit Restriction has been applied. To find out if this is the case, you will need to consult the person who defined the Data Store you are working with.
Delete records
When search results are returned in the bottom panel, you will have the option to Delete a record by selecting it and using the Delete button. Doing so will remove the record from the Data Store.
Create records
When working within Data Entry, you may also use the bottom panel to add records to a Data Store. This is performed by using the Create button. When adding records via the Create button, you will use a form containing fields that has been predefined by the person in your organization who created the Data Store definition. Within the Data Store's Search Screen definition, this is referred to as the Create Screen Name.
Unmask secure fields
If you have permission to unmask a secure field, you may unmask it at the record level using the lock icon that appears in records or you may unmask records in bulk using the Unmask All button. Note that every time you perform unmasking, your action will be logged in the product's Audit Trail, accessible to administrators.