Use single point rules to evaluate whether single points within a graph satisfy a rule. For example, if you are visualizing a measure with values ranging from 0 to 100, you could use a single point rule to highlight points with a value of less than 50.
With Single Point Rules, the Last Highlight Point Color is the color that is used to highlight points the threshold rule finds. Additionally, the Highlight Point and Highlight All Points settings are ignored.
Configuring a single point rule
You can configure the following values for a single point threshold rule.
A display name for the rule.
The default value is "My Single Point Rule".
Drill Fields
If your chart uses drill fields, you can use this option to specify at which level of the drill view to apply the Multipoint Rule. For example, if your Drill Field contains Year, Quarter, and Month levels, and you specify Month as your threshold rule's Drill Field, you will only see the application of the rule when you drill into the Month level on your chart.
The expression contains the rule that is evaluated at each point in your graph. You can create it by entering the expression directly in the Expression field. Alternatively, click f(x) to use the Expression Editor to build the expression.
Select the field or column to be highlighted when the threshold is violated. You can select any of the displayed data fields here, so you could, for example, set a threshold for a table to verify the value of an 'Age' field, but choose to highlight a 'Date of Birth' field.
Highlight all columns
If you are applying a single point threshold to a table, a cell in the row that contains a data point that violates the threshold is highlighted. You can also choose whether to highlight the cells in some or all of the other columns for the corresponding row. To highlight all columns in the row, make sure Highlight all columns is selected.
The default value is False.
Additional Columns to Highlight
If Highlight all columns is set to False, you can select which columns to highlight. Click the arrow to display a drop down list of available columns. Click a column name to select it. To remove a column from highlighting, click the 'x' next to its name.
Font options
If you are adding a threshold to a table, you can use the Font tab to configure the appearance of cells that violate threshold rules. Values that you specify override any existing values configured for the table, dashlet and dashboard.
Font Style
Choose whether to display cell contents as Normal or Italic text.
Font Weight
Choose whether to display cell contents as Normal or Bold text.
Font Color
Use the color picker to select a color, or enter a valid Hex color value.
Don't Highlight Cells
You can also choose whether or not the rule should use the Highlight Color and Last Highlight Color.
When this option is selected, the font options will be applied to cells that contain data points that violate the threshold, but the cell background colour will not change.