The Screens tab allows those responsible for creating case stores to build the components that allow case workers to interact with cases. When building a case store, two types of screens need to be created:
Search screens
A search screen is what a case worker will use to search for a specific case. As a case store builder, you define the criteria that case workers use to search for specific cases through Filter Fields and Result Fields.
Define how search results appear by specifying a Result View Screen Name and a Result Edit Screen Name.
By default the Auto-Update Search setting will be selected on the case search screen and the search will be updated when filters are modified. Case workers will have the option to modify this setting.
Select Save My Filters if you want to save your filter settings on a per search screen basis.
If you select Hide Merge Cases, the Merge button will be not shown in the result grid on the case management screen.
Filter Fields
These are the fields from the case store, with which you want users to search for cases. Selected fields will appear within the case management interface.
On the control bar, positioned above the field list grid, click Add.
The Filter dialog displays.
- Complete the fields, as appropriate.
Required fields are highlighted with a red border an a caution sign.
The available fields are:
Field - Select a field that you want to allow users to filter on when searching for a case.
- Label - Specify a label for the field to be displayed in the case management interface.
Visibility Type - Choose from:
Show Always
- User Selectable - The user can choose whether to filter on this field in the case management screen. Otherwise, the field will always be shown.
Required - If checked, the visibility type must be Show Always.
Selection Type - This property is enabled for fields that have code sets, numeric fields, or date/time entries. Depending on the field type, you can choose from:
- Single
- Multiple
- Range
The default is Single for most field types, although Range is the default for date/time fields.
For field types that support ranges, you can also specify the lower bound and upper bound range operators, for example:
Greater Than
- Greater Than or Equal To
Component Type - Determines how the case worker can search, where available component types depend on the data type of the chosen field. Choose from Text, Text Area and Numeric.
Case Insensitive - If checked:
- A user's search is not case sensitive.
- Users can also filter string fields with "is", "contains", "starts with" and "ends with" operators using the case insensitive setting, when an Initial value is provided.
The check box is only available for string type fields of "Text" and "Text Area" component types, not for the "Numeric" type.
Initial value - If the Selection Type is Range, this is replaced by Lower Bound Initial Value and Upper Bound Initial Value fields.
Min Width - Specify the minimum width used to display the field in the case management screen.
Max Width - Specify the maximum width used to display the field in the case management screen.
Result Fields
Selected Result Fields are those that will appear for header records representing cases returned by a search using Filter Fields. Result Fields appear as specified by the Label and Width parameters.
The Text Alignment field allows you to specify how to align field text in the search screen. Choose from Left, Center, and Right. If the text alignment value for a field is not set, then the text for the field is aligned based on its data type. By default, this property is not set.
Sort Fields
Sort Fields are fields from the case store to use for sorting the results of a search. Only fields that are also used as Result Fields may be used as Sort Fields. Additionally, a Sort Field may be specified in Ascending or descending order, using the Ascending check box.
Calculator Fields
These enable you to display predefined metrics along the bottom of data grids, according to the following criteria:
- Rows selected at the case level.
- Case records within a case.
- Count and sum fields.
- User defined fields, based on sum or count calculations.
Hide/Unhide fields that you want to view on the Case Management Screen.
Configuring calculator fields
Use the Add/Edit/Delete buttons to configure these fields.
If you add a new calculator field, you have the following options:
Calculation type - Currently, only two types of calculation are supported:
Count - Displays the total of selected rows.
Sum - The sum of the values that are the result of the specified expression, for all rows.
Label - Used as the name of the field, when displayed at the bottom of data grids. For example, "Total Rating".
Expression - Contains references to case store fields and supports arithmetic and comparison operators, as well as numeric and string constants:
Arithmetic: '+', '-', '*', '/'.
Comparison: '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '==', '!='.
Tertiary expression operators: '?', ':'.
A tertiary expression follows this syntax (condition):
? ifValue : elseValue
- String constants should be surrounded by single quote character, for example, ‘M’.
- Numeric constants can be integers of decimal values, for example, 22 or 0.5.
You can also group expressions inside parentheses. For example,
(Gender == ‘M’) ? (Rating * 0.5) : (Rating *2)
.This expression is evaluated by a JavaScript engine on the fly, as you select the rows in the search screen. However, only an elementary validation is carried out. If the expression has errors, the result will be 0.
Calculator Fields are displayed in the order they are listed. If no calculator fields are defined, the panel that would normally contain them is not displayed.
Result View Screen Name
To specify a Result View Screen Name for a Search Screen, you must first have created a View/Edit Screen, see View/Edit Screens. This selection will determine the display of a case that a user has searched for and then decided to view.
Result Edit Screen Name
To specify a Result Edit Screen Name for a Search Screen, you must first have created a View/Edit Screen, see View/Edit Screens. This selection will determine the display of a case that a user has searched for and then decided to edit.
Environment Groups
Environment Groups allows you to further restrict which users have access to the Search Screen and the View/Edit Screen.
View/Edit Screens
View/Edit Screens determine how a case is displayed after a user has found it with a Search Screen and then decided to view or edit it. View/Edit Screens allow you to create a form that represents a case, which the case worker may interact with as they manage the case. The form will be comprised of fields from the case, which can be editable or non-editable, based on your requirements. Case workers will use View/Edit Screens to work with a case.
Screen Layout - When creating a View/Edit Screen, use the Screen Layout section to determine the basic arrangement of form fields in the screen:
- Edit Screen Script - Opens a Java script editor, where you can, for example, write a script to configure the transition screen Alert Reason field and Actions menu to your requirements. Instructions and an example script are provided when you open the editor. A preview mode enables you to edit and test your script and screen. The script will execute when you edit or create a case.
- Edit Data Store Selection Script - Opens a Java script editor, where you can write a script for selecting a data store. Instructions and an example script are provided when you open the editor. A preview mode enables you to edit and test your script and screen. The script will execute when you edit or create a case.
- Automatically assign new case to creator - Select this box to assign the new case to the user who created the case.
Once a Screen Layout is created, selecting each field will reveal a Field Properties panel. This panel allows you to define which fields should appear at what points within your layout and how user interaction with the field should occur.