Spectrum OnDemand - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Help

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Data360 DQ+
Product name
Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Help
First publish date

The Spectrum OnDemand node enables you to connect to Spectrum and carry out address validation and name standardization, through a REST API call.

Do the following:

  1. Using the header bar, navigate to Admin > Environments, select the required environment from those listed, then click the Spectrum OnDemand tab.

    The appropriate Connection Configuration page for the selected environment displays.

  2. Select the required staging or production URL from the pre-configured drop-down list.
  3. Enter your Username and Password.
  4. Click Test Connection.

    If the connection fails because, for example, the wrong name or password was entered, the appropriate message displays.

  5. Navigate to the analysis where you want to use the Spectrum OnDemand node, select Data Quality as the node type, then drag the node onto the canvas.
  6. Click the Spectrum OnDemand node to display its properties in the right-hand panel.

    The Property panel includes:

    • The Display Name.

      Edit the name, or click Add/Edit Description to display a Add Description dialog.

    • Three tabs:

      • Request

        Configure the Request tab properties to define your request to Spectrum. See Request tab for more details.

      • Response

        Configure the Response tab properties to define the fields that will accept the contents of the response to the REST call. See Response tab for more details.

      • Output

        Configure the Output tab to choose input fields to include in the output. See Output tab for more details.

  7. When you have finished configuring the node properties, click Accept Changes.


Request tab

Select the Request tab to define your request to the Spectrum OnDemand REST service.

Spectrum Instance URL

The Spectrum Instance URL, as selected in Step 2.

Build Call

  1. Click Build Call to select the Spectrum OnDemand API to call and optionally test.

    You will see a list of the Spectrum OnDemand REST API endpoints.

  2. Click Select to add an endpoint to the Selected Method on the right. You can also change the input parameters of the endpoint, if needed.
  3. Click OK.
    Note: Default values are provided by the system for a specified call. However, options whose example value is "string" need to be modified with an appropriate value or removed for a successful call. Other options can be reviewed according to the Spectrum OnDemand API documentation for whether they provide desired output. Failure to alter or remove the options that have a "string" value will likely produce an error message from Spectrum OnDemand.Below is an example specific to geocoding POST method, where the default values that need modification or removal is highlighted with >>.{ "options": {  "AddressPointInterpolation": "Y",  "FIND_APPROXIMATE_PBKEY": "Y",  "KeepMultimatch": "Y",  "CentroidPreference": "NoCentroids",>> "SearchDistance": "string",  "ExtendedMatchCode": "Y",  "OutputVerbose": "Y",  "PerformLACSLink": "Y",  "RetrieveAPN": "Y",  "FallbackToGeographic": "Y",  "AddressPreference": "PreferBottom",  "AlwaysFindCandidates": "Y",  "FIND_SEARCH_AREA": "FIND_SEARCH_AREA_FINANCE",  "CloseMatchesOnly": "Y",  "MatchMode": "Custom",  "BuildingSearch": "Y",  "MustMatchHouseNumber": "Y",  "OutputPostalCodeSeparator": "Y",  "MustMatchCity": "Y",  "Datum": "NAD27",  "MustMatchPostalCode": "Y",  "MustMatchStreet": "Y",  "LatLonFormat": "Decimal",  "FirmNameSearch": "Never",  "MustMatchStateProvince": "Y",>> "FIND_SEARCH_AREA_DISTANCE": "string",  "OutputFormattedOnFail": "Y",  "PreferZipCodeOverCity": "Y",>> "CenterlineOffset": "string",  "RetrieveElevation": "Y",>> "Dataset": "string",  "PredictiveLastLine": "Y",  "FirstLetterSearch": "Y",  "Offset": "string",>> "OutputFields": "string","PerformDPV": "Y",>> "Squeeze": "string",  "FallbackToStreet": "Y",  "KeepCandidates": "Y",>> "OutputRecordType": "string",  "OutputCasing": "M"}, "Input": {  "Address": [   {    "AddressLine1": "${PartyAddressLine1}",    "City": "${PartyCity}",    "StateProvince": "${PartyState}",    "PostalCode": "${PartyPostalCode}"   }  ] }}

    The Method and Path fields are automatically populated with the endpoint details.

    Any default parameters are added to the Call Parameters grid.

    To specify a parameter value, select the parameter in the Call Parameters grid and click Edit.

    If an endpoint has optional query parameters, click Add if you want to filter the response by adding additional query parameters to the call. The Name field lists all available parameters that are supported by the selected API call, and will include parameters that did you did not previously configure.

    Type a value for the parameter in the Value field. You can type an explicit value, or you can enter a substitutable variable or property by using the ${} syntax, see Value substitution.

Response tab

Select the Response tab to define the fields that will accept the contents of the response to the API call.

Status Field Name

Optionally, specify the name of the output field to contain the HTTP status code (an integer), for example Status. If left empty, the status code is not output. The name of the field must follow all field name restrictions and must not clash with any input field names or a field name generated by the transformation builder.

Body Field Name

Optionally, specify the name of the output field to contain the HTTP response body (a string), for example Body. If left empty, the body is not output. The name of the field must follow all field name restrictions and must not clash with any input field names or a field name generated by the transformation builder.

You should only specify a value in the Body Field Name property if you want to use the response body in downstream nodes. If you are transforming the output in this node, then it is recommended that you do not specify a Body Field Name. Passing the body to downstream nodes can cause memory issues if the response is large.

Content Type Field Name

Optionally, specify the name of the output field to contain the HTTP response content type (a string), for example Type. If left empty, the content type is not output. The name of the field must follow all field name restrictions and must not clash with any input field names or a field name generated by the transformation builder.

Transform Response before Output

Select Transform Response before Output if you want to use the JSON transformation builder to transform the results of the REST call and produce the output fields. The Edit Transformations button is enabled when the Transform Response before Output option is selected.

The Spectrum OnDemandnode performs similar processing to that done by the JSON Parser node. For more information, see Using the Transformation Builder.

Output tab

Select the Output tab to choose input fields to pass through to the output. In addition to any fields specified in this tab, the output will include any fields specified in the Response tab.

Value substitution

You can use the ${} syntax to substitute values in the URL and request body.

For example, if you have a field in your incoming data set called uid, you can specify the following URL:


For each incoming record, the value found in the uid field is used for the REST API call for the record.

You can use this syntax to substitute environment properties, execution parameters, and field values. If there is a conflict caused by more than one parameter or value sharing the same name, the following order of precedence determines which value is substituted:

  1. Execution parameters
  2. Environment properties
  3. Fields

For example, if an execution parameter and an environment property have the same name, the value of the execution parameter is used. This means that if you have defined an environment property or field name that is the same as a Data360 DQ+ system execution parameter, the system execution parameter is used.