Set dashboard styles - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Help

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Data360 DQ+
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Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Help
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Note: Only users with administration rights can edit dashboard style settings.

You can define a system-wide dashboard style to apply to all dashboards in all environments. Within a dashboard style, you can define font and border styles and colors:

  1. From the menu at the top of the screen, select Admin > Settings.
  2. From the Settings panel, select Dashboard Styles.
  3. Select Apply Style to all Dashboards to apply the settings to all dashboards in all environments. Note that you can choose to override these settings on an individual dashboard by editing dashlet settings, see Customizing a chart or table.
  4. Select Dashlet, and edit the following settings as required:
    • Dashboard Font Family - Applies a font family to all text components in a Dashboard. You can also choose to further customize specific text components of a Dashboard Style, for example, you might want to set a different font color for all Chart Axis Titles. If a font family is set for a specific element of a Dashboard Style, that setting will override the Dashboard Font Family.

      All dashboard style font settings can be overridden on a selected dashlet by selecting Override Style in the Font tab of the dashlet editor, see Customizing a chart or table.

    • Header Color - Applies a header color to all dashlets in all dashboards.

      You can override the Header Color on a selected dashlet by selecting Override Header Color in the Header Color tab of the dashlet editor, see Customizing a chart or table.

    • Border Thickness - Applies a border thickness to all dashlets in all dashboards.

      You can override the Border Thickness on a selected dashlet by selecting Override Border Configuration in the Borders tab of the dashlet editor, see Customizing a chart or table.

    • Border Color - Applies a border color to all dashlets in all dashboards.

      You can override the Border Color on a selected dashlet by selecting Override Border Configuration in the Borders tab of the dashlet editor, see Customizing a chart or table.

    Note: These settings will only apply if Apply Style to all Dashboards is selected.
  5. To further customize the dashboard style, you can choose fonts to be applied to specific charting elements and dashlet components. Any font settings that you set on specific elements will override the Dashboard Font Family. You can override any font settings set on this page by selecting Override Style in on the Fonts tab of the dashlet editor.
  6. When you have finished customizing your dashboard style, click Save Changes.
Note: Dashboard style settings are not carried over to the visualizer.