Disable sandboxing on Linux
Follow the steps in this section to disable execution sandboxing on Linux.
- Login to the machine where Data360 Analyze is is running as the installer user.
- Perform the following commands:
cd <installDir>/
Then, if the Data360 Analyze server and web application are running, use:source .profile.lavastorm
If Data360 Analyze is not running, use:bin/laeConfig executionContainers disable --user <admin> <pass>
bin/laeConfig executionContainers disable
Both the username and the password are optional in this command. If the password is provided without a username it is ignored. If the username is provided on its own with no password, you will be prompted for a password. If a username and password are provided (either directly, or simply a username and then a password when prompted), then the disable command also remove any configured trust between the sandboxed containers and the web application. If no username and password are provided, then no communication will be made with an analyze execution server and no trust entries will be removed. However this method of disabling can be used when analyze is not running (or if it cannot be brought up for any reason).
- Restart using the stop and start commands as per Starting and Stopping the Data360 Analyze server.
Disable sandboxing on Windows
Follow the steps in this section to disable execution sandboxing on Windows.
- Login to the machine where Data360 Analyze is running.
- Then, if the Data360 Analyze server and web application are running, use:
laeConfig.bat executionContainers disable --user <admin> <pass>
Both the username and the password are optional in this command. If the password is provided without a username it is ignored. If the username is provided on its own with no password, you will be prompted for a password. If a username and password are provided (either directly, or simply a username and then a password when prompted), then the disable command also remove any configured trust between the sandboxed containers and the web application. If no username and password are provided, then no communication will be made with an analyze execution server and no trust entries will be removed. However this method of disabling can be used when analyze is not running (or if it cannot be brought up for any reason).
- If the Data360 Analyzeserver and web application is not running, use:
laeConfig.bat executionContainers disable
- Restart using the stop and start commands as per Starting and Stopping the Data360 Analyze server.